Andrei Petyaiv



4 years, 11 months ago


Andrei Petyaiv

Details                                                         📕

Height6'4" or 193 cm
Weight250 lb
SexualityBisexual, doesn't care
BirthdayApril 3rd

Likes                 👍

  • Dogs/Animals
  • Fire
  • Warmth
  • Turtlenecks
  • Luka
  • Bars
  • Whiskey on the Ice
  • Feeling powerful useful
  • Catching bugs

Dislikes             👎

  • Cigars/Cigarettes
  • Being dominated
  • Being talked down to
  • Strong perfume
  • American Cheese

Trivia                                                           📚

  • Arsonist, prefers zippo lighters and matches
  • Has cigarette burns over arms from bad coping methods
  • Owns a Samoyed named 
  • Owns a crested gecko named 

Personality                                                 😄

Backstory                                                    📄

Andrei Petyaiv was born in Russia to Sacha Zolotov, a retired Russian mafia hit-woman, and Dima Petyaiv, a local butcher. His mother almost died during childbirth due to the strain of an almost natural birth. However, Dima insisted that she be put on life support and did everything in his power to try to bring her back to him. During the first few months of his birth, Andrei rarely felt physical contact from his own father as he busied himself with his dying lover. After constant treatment, Dima was running low on funds to tend to both Andrei and his wife. He turned to Sacha's family for aid, not knowing the complete reasons of why she had cut off ties with them. As a family that funded the mafia with members, the Zolotov's sent Dima to the higher ups within the mafia for massive loans meant to be put towards more surgeries and transfusions. Even with all this money, Sacha would not come back to them and ended up passing away as Andrei neared his first birthday. With his wife now dead and his son almost a stranger to him, Andrei's father returned to his home with his child bearing a new burden of debt. The mafia, seemingly with best wishes, promised that they would hold off on expecting repayment until Andrei turned 5 years of age.

Dima, worrying over the looming threat of the massive loan and the ties between the death of his late wife and his child's birth, held little time or love for the child. Andrei was a curious child, constantly active and definitely larger than the average child. He often caught insects and brought them inside, a habit that Dima was incredibly critical of.

HTML Profile by Coywolfy