Rebecca Paxton



Gender: Female

Age: 18

Hair color: Brunette with purple end

Eye color: Orange

Tail Color: Grey with black, white, and yellow design

Sexual Preference: Straight

Job: Aquarium Employee - PartTime, Dolphin Trainer/Performer

Loves: Dolphins, snowcones, Designer outfits

Hates: Painting on her tail, Thiefs, Clothes that don't fit with her dorsal fin.

    Rebecca was born in a costal city, at a time when the mythical beings were slowly adapting more to society. She's a highschool girl, experiencing the growing pains the schools have to go through when adapting to species of different heights and different ways of movement. She ends up making friends with a mermaid and satyr after some growing pains due to just being so different, they usually banter about pop culture and any recent and local events. Her mermaid friend suggested for her to take a small job at the remodeled aquarium in their city, since she needed money with her family already a little tight on money at the time. At first when she got the job, she wasn't quite fond of it, taking care of several of the marine animals when she wishes she could be doing anything else. However, she ended up bonding more with the dolphins there, often going to where the dolphins were staying when she felt stressed out at work. She then felt like wanting to be turned into a mermaid, wanting to get close to the marine life. She ended up having to convince her folks, the people around her, and the people in charge of the magic changing, it took her 2 years before being able to become a mermaid, specifically a dolphin mermaid.

    It took her a while to get use to it, with her mermaid friend ended up helping her swim and get use the fact that she'll turn into her mermaid form when she touches water. Her job has now gone from being someone to help clean up the aquariums and taking care of the marine life, to a caretaker of dolphins and sometimes performing with them after a bit more training. Her parents adapted to this, but slowly in comparison to everyone else, as she makes her way to high school graduation with flippers and a dorsal fin.