Yggdrasil Ginnunson



4 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info

What is Ragnarök's Coming?

Ragnarök's Coming is a fantasy type story that has a lot of influence of norse mythology in it. A few hints of greek and other mythologies too. It is not supposed to be seen as a retelling of the norse mythology, rather see it as it's own fantasy world.



♦ Primordial Deity ♦ Male ♦ Introvert ♦ Pacifist ♦
(Page is still under contruction!)



Yggdrasil is a primordial deity, meaning he exists since the beginning of creation.

He and his brother Odium are each a part of the embodiement of the "Great Ash-Tree".

Yggdrasil represents the branches, while Odium represents the roots of the tree.
Yggdrasil also embodies "Life and Creation".



Yggdrasil has a dark, greyish skin with dark blue hair that slightly stands up.

His eyes are a bright blue, featuring a darker blue for the pupils.

His most prominent feature are his large ears that he decorates with lots of earrings.
Yggdrasil's horns represent a crown/halo. They are always visible. Each horn stands for one of the 6 realms.

His fashion sense consists only of different shades of grey, maybe a darker tone of blue here and there.
He likes to wear turtleneck sweaters a lot.
He also has a large coat that features embroidery of Jörmungandr, the world serpent.


"While thy branches mix with mine, our roots together join"

"A tree needs it's roots and branches to survive, if one of them is missing the tree can not survive"

"No tree , it is said, can grow to heaven unless it's roots reach down to hell"

  • kuzkzu_by_satoga_ddcbv18-pre.png?token=e
  • ♫ Rise above the mountains  
    Light a fire in the sky
    For the blood is running still
    From the roots of Yggdrasil

    Rise above the mountains
    Light a fire in the sky
    Carry me to the hill
       To the top of Yggdrasil 

"Odium Ginnunson"


Odium Ginnunson is Yggdrasil's brother.
Odium is the exact opposite from Yggdrasil.
He's build to fight.
Odium has a well trained body type.
He is a head bigger than his brother and has an implusive personality that gets him in trouble all the time.

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

"Corrupted Odium"


After the "Entity" merged with Odiums body and consciousness, he became a different person. This is his present form, currently imprisoned within the deepest depths of Tartarus.
Odium is capable to start Ragnarök, the end of everything.

Likes and Dislikes:

✔ Quiet places
✔ Reading books
✔ Gardening
✔ Animals

✖ Fighting / Violence
✖ Noisy places
✖ Ignorant people
✖ Cold weather
✖ ...

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦


More information about the Ginnunson brothers Yggdrasil and Odium
can be found in their refsheets.

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦


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