


4 years, 10 months ago


Apprentice of VineClan

10 moons old

Sister: Mistletoepaw

Mother: Puddlesplash

Father: Smokenose

Mischievous and proud, Parsleypaw is a very energetic cat. Always willing to provide for his Clan, he never seems to sit still. He’s very talkative, and can’t seem to stay quiet. He’s more liked by his Clanmates closer to his age; the senior warriors and older can’t stand him. Most cats blame Mosstail’s influence on the young tom; the two share a close bond, and Parsleypaw loves it when Mosstail takes him and his littermate Mistletoepaw on adventures. He and his sister aren’t that close, but do enjoy competing with each other. Parsleypaw doesn’t like to be outstaged, so he can be very competitive. At Gatherings, he’s the apprentice to talk with. Being a natural at storytelling, he’s gotten a crowed every time he’s been to a Gathering. He likes proving his strength against the younger apprentices, and jokingly bosses them around. While Parsleypaw can be a bit pushy, he has a heart of gold an wouldn’t hurt a fly, unless asked to.