


5 years, 2 months ago


Name: Melon

Gender: female

species: human 

age: 17

siblings: Cranberry (sister) 


personality: absolute crazy moron. Shes ignorant and loves to mess with other people. She just wants to do everything all the time, and once she has her mind set on stuff, she will not stop until she does it. Although she does have compassion, and if someone gets hurt or she takes something too far she feels incredibly guilty, other than that she has no chill. she'll try to fight you and lose in a heartbeat. She's also really blunt and oblivious, but tries to be nice and have fun with everyone. 

likes: pushing limits, being annoying, making plans, being with people, soda, being told what to do (by friends n stuff, not authority). 

dislikes: hurting her friends, getting yelled at, getting caught, not knowing whats going on/uncertainty. 


important info: shes not actually stupid, she just has her own way of thinking and analyzing things, which means shes not really a fast learner for school stuff. 

special abilities: has a lot of stamina, makes for a good ally