The Baroness



4 years, 9 months ago


this description is bad i just needed to get my thoughts down, don't look at me okay

The Lady Baroness, Amelia. shes in her late 40s, divorced twice, has travled the world. owns a very successful company that runs itself so she spends most of her time and money on day drinking and lounging on ocean side resorts. shes very intelligent and was one a very ruthless business women. she got shit done but was feared by all. even tho shes retired she never really grew out of her cut throat persona, partly cause its a defense mechanism cause as shes had a lot of shitty men try to manipulate her. she enjoys retirement now tho,she can be kinda catty but also enjoys throwing around money to artist. may or may not be a poet at heart finally putting her thought to paper. pretty done with men but recently realized that the worlds changed a lot and has reawakened her secret crush for girls she locked away long ago. shes really out her living her best at past 25, Queen. (also she Bi, and doesn't hate men shes just bad at picking them (cough married 2 terrible business men cough) which she has come to terms with)