Fane Galaway



4 years, 11 months ago


As you go about your daily wanderings you stumble across a group of wolves. You notice most are pups and watch as the mothers interact with their children. As you watch the scene you notice one wolf sticking out. The only adult male is happily chatting with some pups while others climb on top and over him. He looks in your direction and smiles. He turns to the pups and they all look sad as they move away from the male. You notice he doesn't resemble any of the pups and so you wonder why he was surrounded by pups. He stands up and wanders over to you. With a kind smile he introduces himself. 

"Hello. My name is Fane, is there anything I can help you with?" He asks.




A very light hearted and sweet fellow. He loves pups and other fun-loving wolves. He is painfully cheery and friendly, though to a reasonable extent. He is a hopeless romantic who dreams of finding his dream mate.  He's perhaps one of the kindest and nicest guys you'll meet. He's happy to help out and do his part. He's not overly fond of overdramtics, but he won't say anything. Very chivalrous. 


Helping others, playing with the pups


Getting yelled at because of something he couldn't control.

Dating Status:



Very good friends with most of the mothers/fathers in the NOR pack. 




Info so that if I have time I can develop him more. 

whats his bio: Honestly don't have much of an idea for his bio besides being a bit lonely most of his life til he found the pack.what he like to do on free time: 100% helping care for the pups. Such as like playing with them, finding them (always a chore), and pleasent conversations with some of the others wolves (I'm working on editing his pack cause, whoops I demolished it on accident). He enjoys swimming. does he like parties or not: Hihgly energetic parties probably not. He'd be a bit overwhelmed. More calm or low key he'd be a bit more comfortable with but a bit out of his element. He'd be the kind who'd prefer to stick with someone he knew just because he's not use to this kind of thingwhat about drinking: I think he'd be willing to try them, but be more of a sweeter drink fan (like cocktails or something) than whiskey or red wine.trying new things?: He'd be willing for the most part as long as it isn't something dangerous or something that could hurt them.favorite things to try: New foods probably. He'd enjoy walks so adventuring wouldn't be terrible. If someone is there to guide him he'd be pretty willing to try new things. things he hate: FIGHTING, like in any capacity he hates. Being alone in a place he doesn't recognize. I also love the idea he's slightly wary of electronics because like. What is this?!?!