


4 years, 11 months ago


- The best way to describe her is a magical girl. No like, an actual magical girl. She literally shoots pink lasers out of her staff and causes property damage on a daily basis

- She appears to be in her early teens (13-16), but she's actually barely a year old. She was created by an organization created to defend Earth from extraterrestrial/supernatural threats (i.e. monsters)

Her brain is stuffed to the brim on technical fighting knowledge but she... doesn't know how to act like an actual real person, so she comes off as incredibly childish

- She's normally very introverted and shy, it takes her a long time to warm up to strangers

- When she's in "magical girl mode" (yes, she has one of those over-the-top transformation sequences) she acts a bit more confident and sure in herself, but sometimes that confidence translates into arrogance which means she makes a lot of mistakes

- Currently rooming with my other OC Judas, because she accidentally turned him into a 10-year-old as the result of a magical mishap 

- At first she only stuck around Judas because she wanted to take responsibility for her actions in a way/ help him turn back to normal, but eventually she comes to see him as an older brother of sorts and looks up to him a lot

- When she's scared or nervous, she usually tries ducking/hiding behind Judas, but given that he looks like he's 10 and she looks like she's 14 it looks kind of ridiculous

- Her "sidekick" is a remote-controlled panda plushie that's supposed  to give her tips on how to defeat monsters but instead sits on the sidelines contributing absolutely nothing but bad puns about the enemy

- When not in her magical girl getup, her yellow hair highlight disappears and she instead chooses to keep her hair down instead of in a ponytail