Kasper's Comments

Is this adorable deer still for offers?  :0

I wasn’t sure if it was or not! If it isn’t for sale then that’s okay, I just wanted to offer :)

I could offer $11 usd via PayPal if you’d like :)

They are still avaible! If you could just send the payment here: https://www.paypal.me/XSecretSaX?locale.x=en_US I can send them over to you as soon as I receive it ;v; Please make sure you put your TH username in the comment when sending the payment so I can be sure it was sent by you ^^

Thank you so much!! Payment has been sent :)

Sent the transfer request! ^^

any offers?

There hasn't been any offers on them yet no c:

sweet, after i sell adopts may I offer 10$? should have it this week or early next week

Yeah of course! Just let me know whenever you're ready ^^

so sorry for the wait, i NOW have the money