mailo's Comments

UHMM would you be willing to do a couple customs (if you can maybe do more humanoid charas) + a ych? (specifically this one with )

can do!^^ what i need to do for customs?

for one of the customs, like an androgynous/masc adult (human) doctor that’s sort of a mad scientist, probably works with brains. 

for the other, a more monster-y character that was once human but underwent some sort of transformation? something body horrorish but not too complex. natural colors with bright accents (yellow, red, or cyan maybe). maybe they look normal on the surface 

can do!^^

done!^^ hope you like them 👉👈😣

thanks so much :3

Aah heck younlike this guy right?

i dont think id trade em for em, sorry!

Ok ;0 lmk if you see anyone else outside the ‘no way’ tag

im a big fan of ! 

If you could addon i could do him ;0 hes worth quite a bit

i can add anyone from apotheosis or my sales folder! 

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