Eos Althuan



4 years, 9 months ago


Eos Althuan
Silver Dragonborn | 14 | He/Him


Wild Magic Sorcerer
Gender Male
Birthday 20th of September

Personality Trait | Ideal

I am softly spoken but have a lot to say, as I'm always happy to share my knowledge with the world.

Discovering the truth behind a fable or myth is crucial to our world's development, and I'm set on solving some of these mysteries.

Bond | Flaw

I was told I would have my sight returned if I was able to solve a mystery and I fully intend on solving it.

My love of sharing information often leads to me speaking secrets that aren't meant to be spoken.


Eos is a kind, gentle Dragonborn who loves learning. He's obsessed with books and worked as a scribe for his uncle Vyunir, who studied the multiverse in the hopes of unlocking it's secrets. During an experiment Vyunir summoned a particularly impatient Celestial, who blinded the two and told them that if they could learn it's true name it would return their sight. Vyunir, overwhelmed with guilt, stopped working and has since lost the passion to solve the mystery. Eos, ever curious, decided to take the opportunity to hone his abilities and set out on his own adventure. He relies on sound, smell and vibrations in the ground to get his bearings, and can sense magical auras so he always has a vague idea of where the people around him are. He also learned how to read Braille.


Eos is never bothered by others, always willing to have a conversation with anyone who'll give him the time of day. He's softly spoken but very intelligent and has a vast knowledge of magic, the multiverse and history. He's a chatterbox and will speak endlessly, often leading to him sharing things he's not meant to share. He's terrible at keeping secrets. He also frightens easily, but his aura sense makes it difficult to sneak up on him. Eos isn't overly bothered by his lack of sight, but gets very upset when others take advantage of it.

Drawing Notes

  • Eos's eyes are solid purple, he has no pupils or irises.
  • He often wears the same/similar clothing because it's familiar to him.
  • He has a white braid that sits under his bangs.

HTML Profile by Coywolfy