Akuma (Old Design)



4 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info

Was made back in 2018



Name Akuma
Height 3'5"
Age 14
Gender Female
Species Nekomata
Role N/A
Alignment Stays neutral
Sexuality Straight

Akuma has the ability to shoot electricity from her body. Most of this electrical energy is contained in her large paws and double tails. The weird particles floating at the end of each tail are residue of that energy, touching the residue will leave to a shockingly painful experience. This demon can run at the speed of 450 mph, going up to 600 during thunder hours. Using that speed to swiftly attack her enemies or to just get around places.


  • Exploring new places
  • Sleeping
  • Art
  • Thunder weather


  • Immense heat
  • Being dragged around
  • People invading her space
  • Most Bugs


This demon lives a pretty much solitary life. High up in the misty mountains full of wood. Akuma would do daily patrols around her territory by jumping to tree to tree, looking like a black shadow moving quickly from below. Any trespassers found would be stalked and examined. The only time she will be aggressive if she senses anything strange with the individual, but most of the time she wouldn't stay for long and head back to her home.


Akuma's behavior is mostly cat-like. She will sleep for long hours, scratch anything which is scratchable, and hiss when angered, but she is generally a friendly demon to most. This demon can be overprotective over her friends and sometimes be a hothead. Running into situations mostly caused by her anger. Akuma has a love for shiny crystals, even if it may be a plain ol' rock. As long as it has a shiny, crystal-like texture. She is full of curiosity and loves to discover new things.


Akuma is an electric demon who came from another realm. This cat-like creature is only but a small, weaker form of her original self. Originally a 1743 ft tall monster who's thirst to kill was her main priority. After coming to the human world Akuma had to reduce her size due to the tight environment. There was no place to release her voltage of electricity from her body without causing a disaster. Because of this, all of that energy would be contained. Making Akuma a walking time bomb. To prevent this Akuma changes her body not only to be able to hide better due to size, but to also minimize the amount of electricity circling through her body. Making it safe to release to the earth's atmosphere.



HTML by lowkeywicked