


4 years, 10 months ago


TIH Character

Name: Visne
Danish for decay
Gender: Female
Age: 16

Faction: Undead
Race: Zombie

Natural Ability: 

Can detach limbs, control them, and then re-attach them at will.


Visne is not all the way there, but what parts of that are there are happy, spunky, and always up for friendship and fun. She might be a fair bit ignorant, but ignorance is bliss, which is just how the zombie wants to live her now life. She looks on the bright side, considers everyone a friend, and will not question something if everyone else is doing it too. If everyone jumped off a bridge, Visne would jump too, screaming with joy the whole way down.

Visne is a pretty happy person. Weather that's because she is oblivious to bad things, or because she is just one of those positive people, she is just overflowing with a bubbly and cheerful attitude.

Visne tries, but when parts of one's brain are dislodged, eaten by maggots, or just in a state of decay, it can be hard to put two and two together. Tho to be honest, she was not exactly the brightest bulb when she was alive either.

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy?

You know what sounds fun? Going to school! When the opportunity arose Visne was more than willing to attend Amityville Acadamy and did her best to make sure and snag a spot for herself in the school. Really what else is a zombie girl to do besides go to school and make friends, memories and experiences! Visne did forget that with school comes learning and passing classes tho...

FEAR Ability: 

The Barrier (Support)
By concentrating their Fear, disciples of this technique can materialize their Fear into a physical shield or Barrier. In combat, damage is subtracted first from the Barrier then the protected's HP. This effect can be used to protect yourself OR another character.

Visne can remove one of her limbs and charge it with energy to repel or protect from an incoming attack.