Galla Valeria



4 years, 11 months ago



Galla Valeria

Galla of Rome was a 6th-century Roman widow and saint.

Valeria refers to the Latin verb valere, meaning "to be strong".

Age: 18

Birthday: 5 October

Day celebrated as the feast of Galla of Rome

Sign: Libra

Gemstone: Opal

Color #003399

Blood Type: A-

Fav. Food: Fresh Figs
Hated Food:
Tomato Soup

School: Destiny City University -Studying Business and Economics


Fashion -
Galla enjoys being fashionable. She goes out of her way to check the latest trends, find clothes that fit her aesthetic, and enjoys shopping. She tries not to let her excitement drain her bank account, but, sometimes things happen and she just finds the perfect dress/shoe combo.

Embroidery -
Galla loves the small detail and intricate workings of embroidery. It makes a heartfelt gift, adds just that little something to make an outfit pop, and is an outlet for Galla's creativity.

Volunteering -
Volunteering makes Galla feel like a real human being. Giving back and seeing others being happy in turn makes her happy. She prefers working with people, but sometimes, when she needs a break from people, she can be seen out walking the shelter dogs.


Helpful --
Galla enjoys helping. The appreciation that usually comes with it is something she seeks out, and will often volunteer for things as well. Even if others do not appreciate her help, or are maybe just to busy to even notice, she feels self satisfaction from helping. Galla has a hard time backing off when there is something she knows she can help with, and will go against other people's wishes to do what she feels is right. When asked not to help, she usually debate with herself for a while, trying to honor her friend's wishes, but her urge to help usually wins any and all debate.

Dependable --
If Galla says shes going to do something, well by golly shes gonna do it! She makes sure she is available for her friends, especially if she notices them not doing so well. If its urgent, or dire in her friend's mind, Galla will drop what she is doing and rush to her friend's aid. Everything takes a backseat in her life compared to the well being of her friends. Work, school, being with a friend who is not in need of help, all these are things she will sacrifice if the need arises.

Focused --
Galla gets focused. When there is a task at hand, she will buckle down and get it finished. Her "to do" list gets done fast when shes focused on it, as well as her school work, job, or even a friend. This focus of hers borders on obsession, and the girl will find it difficult to move on to other activities or projects while leaving a past project undone.


Suborn --
Galla has opinions, and she knows they are good ones at that. It can be very difficult to get her to budge, and her intense focus on cretin things can lead to her stubbornly adhere to her opinion, without listening to advice. When Galla feels she is in the right about something she will not back down. Her strong-hotheadedness will keep her set at whatever she is doing until it gets finished, or there is such glaring evidence that she is wrong that she has to admit her wrongdoing.

Stressful --
Galla has been known to turn small problems into large problems, all in her own head. She loves her friends and family, and cannot help but want to devote her time and feelings to them. Tho this leads to her getting more invested than is maybe good, and thus stressed as she has no ability to fix it. When her stress levels get overwhelming, she can lash out. She can take something someone said too "by the book", or see hurtful words where there are none. When stressed, if someone refuses her help, she will often take it personally, as an attack on herself.

Self-sacrificing --
Galla loves her friends and family, and she would do anything for them. Literally anything. She would give up her own safety, well being, and material possessions if she felt it was something her loved one needed. Combined with her stubborn personality, Galla can take her sacrifices farther than others want, and will go against their wishes if she thinks it will result in a happier ending, no matter the costs.