


4 years, 11 months ago



Name: Ahzra

Age: Adol


Subclass: Hearthcat

Alliance: Neutral





She was born in the old clan camp that had been raided and taken over by the cats who called themselves the Satanics. She was apart of a 4  kit litter with her siblings Lark, Rain and Amber. During her birth her mother had died leaving the kits orphaned. There was another mother who had recently had kits so she and her siblings lived. Even as a kit she had a strong form of what was right and wrong. Always talking back to the adult toms she was beaten frequently. One day she had gone too far and went through the Satanic's obedience training. After that she lost all form of her old self. She became shy, subservient and obedient. But this didnt stop others from taking their anger out on her physically. As a kit she was still delicate but they didnt care. She was a girl. How she felt meant nothing.

After a few weeks of her birth a grey fluffy tom had infiltrated the camp and stole the kits that were gathered together and put out of the way so the toms didnt have to see them. She was terrified and knew if she didnt say something and the tom left her she would be killed. she tried to say something but the grey tom had shoved her and her sibling into a sack and everything went black. When she could finally see she was in a cave of some sort where many she-cats were congregated with nests and their kits. She was given to a mother who had kits of her own so she could have milk. But the abuse never ended. The kits still picked on her. After a few weeks of abuse the tom who had kidnapped her and the kits had moved her and four other kits to their own den. Anala frequiently stopped her brothers for picking on her but the kits outside of the den were the real issues. Still being picked on she was relocated again but this time it was away from the base. The grey tom had given her to a White two tailed she-cat she later learned the name of Violet.

Violet scared her to no end. She seemed really nice though. and pretty too. But she always brought back dead cats for her to eat and that created the fear of she will kill her and eat her like she had the other cats. After weeks of not eating Violet had brought back a rat. It was a very smelly rat but it was food and NOT a cat. When she finally ate Violet started to bring rats more often. a few months pass and she had grown found of violet and considered her her mother. It was a peaceful and almost perfect. But that doesnt last does it. The grey tom from earlier reappeared and upset Violet. In a tantrum violet took her and ran to an odd smelling place made of stone. A tome she had never seen before appeared before them. Violet seemed to know him and was later called Xavier. 

Xavier was NOT pleased about her. He got angry at Violet for adopting her as her own. He wasnt pleased about her name either. Nothing about her pleased the tom which made her terrified he would be like the rest. Xavier always gave her the glare of you dont belong here. She knew she wasn't even supposed to be alive. But His glare hurt her more then usual. Violet seemed so happy with Xavier. She didnt want to be the cause of her mother's disappear. So she stayed even though every time the tom was around she just wanted to disappear. Xavier HATED her and she knew he was pissed at Violet for taking her as her own kit. She was a useless runt after all. She would be a shitty child barer and is weak. He always gave her evil glares but was soft and sweet to violet. She didnt understand why the tom hated her so much but I guess it didn't matter as long as Violet was happy. She did the best she could to just stay in the corner and out of the way. She was miserable here. All she wanted was to go back home with violet and get away from the tom who gave her the feeling she should kill herself and get it over with.

    I think momma violet figured out I was unhappy at that castle with the evil tom. She snuck away with me back to the wastelands. I cant explain it but I feel more at home there catching rats. I even started to hunt cats when momma is out. I am not sure she would be happy if she found out i snuck out. I know I have been difficult on her so I want to show her I can help too and be easier to maintain. I cant be picky. Eat what I can to live and make momma happy. That is my goal for now. On another note. Momma gave me a real name instead of the one a male gave me when I was In prisoned in that camp. She named me after a famous she-cat named Ahzra. I feel like its an honor to have such a fire warrior's name. I hope I do the name proud and make momma proud.


Significant cats:


° Mother

° Her only treasure in life.

Bloodline (red for deceased)


Father: Jagged

Siblings: Amber, Lark, Rain

