


5 years, 2 months ago


35 Moons

Redwood used to be a confident, charismatic deputy of the Kingdom Within the Tides. He workd hard to prove his worth, but underneath his cool exterior is a dark heart.. And now, after being swept out to sea, his exterior is cracking.

profile html by Hukiolukio

  •  Name   Deputy Redwood 
  •  Nickname   Red, Scarface, Slippery Eel 
  •  Age   35 Moons 
  •  Gender   Tom-cat 
  •  World   Rekindled Ruins (RP group) 
  •  Residence   The Kingdom Within the Tides 
  •  Species   Cat 
  •  Breed   Mixed Tabby 
  •  Rank   Deputy 
  •  Sexuality   Bisexual (Female Leaning) 
  •  Religion   Is starting to believe in Starclan 
  •  MBTI   ESTJ 
  •  Alignment   Lawful Evil 
  •  Positive Traits   Intelligent, Conversationalist, Mature, Vigilant, Ambitious 
  •  Negative Traits   Picky, Obsessive, Manipulative, Sadistic, Cold 
  •  Outlook   I will do whatever I must to get what I desire 
  •  Belief   If it helps me or my loved ones, it is right 
  •  Strengths   Fighting, Planning, Leadership, Communication, Charming 
  •  Weaknesses   Following Orders, Anger Management, Honesty, Swimming 
"You better watch your back, little bird. You never know what monster lurk around here~"

Redwood is a cool, calculated Deputy, but holds a darkness deep within him. He can act very charming and kind to those around him, but in the end the only thing that truly matters to him is advancing in this world. He cares for his kingdom, only because they are a service to him. He'll be your friend, only until your usefulness as been worn out. The only cats he truly cares for are his children and his now deceased wife. He will do anything for his children, and nothing will get in the way. If you do? You better sleep with one eye open.

  •  Optimist 

  •  Rude 

  •  Peaceful 

  •  Playful 

  •  Creative 

  •  Lethargic 

  •  Follower 

  •  Brave 

  •  Insecure 

  •  Intelligent 

  •  Wise 

  •  Forgetful 

  •  Impulsive 

  •  Neat 

  •  Curious 

  •  Awkward 

  •  Patient 

  •  Liar 



  • Cat Watching
  • Deep, meaningful conversations
  • Stargazing
  • Fighting/using his strength
  • Asserting his dominance
  • kits


  • Being put in his place
  • Swimming/fishing
  • The topic of his family
  • Cats who don't respect his authority
  • Brats


  • Long moonlit walks
  • Sparring
  • Long runs/exercise
  • Vehicula bibendum dolor
  • Dapibus auctor et rhoncus
  • Aenean id orci a enim


  • Battle Strategy
  • Focus
  • Conversationalist
  • Vehicula bibendum dolor
  • Dapibus auctor et rhoncus
  • Aenean id orci a enim
  •  Fur Color   Dark Red 

  •  Eye Color   Orange/Yellow 

  •  Markings   Tabby, Cross on chest 

  •  Height   A Bit Above Average 

  •  Accessories   A fox dew claw necklace and a heather branch he sleeps with 

  •  Skinny   Large 

  •  Curvy   Tall 

  •  Fat   Muscular 

  •  Groomed   Messy 

Design Notes

  • Tabby marks are symmetrical
  • Scars are small and scattered across his body (does not have to be specific, except for the face)
  • His ears are tall and turn inwards
  • Quisque urna orci, gravida a viverra ac, blandit nec ex.
  • Phasellus finibus mauris ut vulputate mollis.
  • Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
Click for Reference

art by Ancientcrypticnova on DA




Redwood was born into a quiet little family along with his sister Creek. As the larger sibling, Redwood would constantly pick on his sister, sometimes even playing too rough and hurting her. His parents Sky and Pine would never interfere, often even encouraging this "healthy competition" between the two. Because of this, the two siblings grew up hating each other. One particular moment that truly defined their relationship was on a quiet mid-day afternoon. Now that both of the kits were almost at the age to begin their training, their mother and father could leave them alone in the den while they went out hunting or patrolling. Sky was very adamant on getting some time away from the kits to stretch her legs. While they were gone, Redwood and Creek began to spar. It started out fun and casual at first, just a bit of playful training. But soon Redwood began getting more and more intense. Hitting her a bit too close to the eye, or pushing too rough on her belly. Some of the other mother's in the den warned Redwood to play nice, but he didn't pay attention. Instead, he lunged right for his sister's throat and sunk his teeth deep in. Creek screeched in pain but he refused to let go. With his teeth deep in her throat, her breathing became more labored and blood began to spill. Creek cried and cried for help until one of the mothers in the nursery came rushing over to break the two apart. Creek spent about a week in the medicine cat den and has scars to this day. Redwood's parents scolded him for injuring his sister, but he insisted he didn't really see what the problem was. She'd need to get stronger if she'd be any kind of fighter.
Despite their broken relationship, they still spent quite some time training together. Agreeing to both train to become runners so they could explore more. Even though Redwood still was aggressive, he quickly learned to calm his temper. His mentor was a strict she-cat. And she took no "funny business" when it came to her apprentice. Because of this, Redwood learned to be more sneaky around her, and talk himself out of any sticky situations he may have gotten into. With his new more "mature" personality many of his clan mates congratulated his mentor on doing such a good job "wiping him into shape." But Redwood and Creek still know that he's the same violent, sadistic cat he was before. Now he was just better at hiding it.
When Creek and Redwood finally finished their training, they didn't have anything to do with one another. Treating each other more like distant cousins than relatives. Redwood holds no love in his heart for his sister, so he avoids her as much as he can. And if they go on patrols together he makes sure to make her life a living hell. He hated his clan mates, he hated their leader, and he especially hated the ocean. Redwood often daydreamed about killing Reef himself and taking over the clan. But he knew that was no way to become a leader. Especially if he wanted is clan mates to trust him. Despite his hatred, he made sure to keep his social circle big. He had no true friends, none he could really trust, but he made sure to stay on good terms with his companions and work hard to show his worth. Most cats now never suspected him of any ill intent. Besides his sister. The scar on her throat will always be a reminder. It was around this time in the young tom's life had come to a halt. Most of his days were spent doing the same thing over and over and over until he couldn't take it anymore. Something needed to be done, he had too much potential. And it was wasted in Tideclan. At last, Redwood made the decision to leave. He had every intention of leaving forever, but he promised his parents that he would return. Some of his clanmates looked down on his decision, but by then he had proved himself to be a capable warrior. So his friends and family wished him safe travels and supported his decision. Creek was relieved. Redwood traveled for quite some time. Living outside his home as a loner was a new experience for him. He had no company, no one to spar with, no one to hunt with. Just constant days of silence. Not that he minded too much though. It gave him a lot of time to think. And plan. One evening while the red tom was hunting, he came across a she-cat. Another cat! It had been so long since he'd had proper interaction with another of his kind. She was stunning too, a sleek Bengal with beautiful light red fur. Their first interaction was tense and a bit awkward, but they both agreed to meet again the next night. And they did. He learned her name was Heatherheart. A beautiful name for an equally stunning cat. He learned a lot about her time as a clan cat while they met. Learned of their strange ways and even stranger naming systems. Redwood would often boast about having a name that resembled their naming structure. Maybe he was destined to meet these cats? He learned about the fire as well, and how the clan cats were slowly making their way to find a new home. Redwood could have told them about the tides but... something stopped him. He wasn't quite sure what. Did he want them to die? The pair met up for a few weeks before Heatherheart finally told him she was pregnant. Pregnant? Kits? The young tom was bewildered. He was so young, was he even ready? For maybe the first time in his life, he felt afraid. After hearing about her pregnancy, he agreed to return to the other clan cats with her and introduce himself. It was tense and awkward, he was a loner after all. But eventually they settled and got used to his presence. Besides, they had bigger problems to face. And they needed more able bodied warriors. Redwood stayed by Heatherheart's side throughout her pregnancy. It was hard on her. They were always moving, and the queen never had enough time to rest. When it was finally time to deliver, she gave birth to a single kit. A beautiful deep red kit who had Redwood's features but her mom's beautiful spots. She was perfect. When Heather offered up the name Redkit, the tom's chest would swell with pride. A little him! The first week was bliss, but soon Heather became more and more sick. The lack of food was getting to her, along with the weakness of just giving birth. Along with her failing health was Redwood's failing hope. These cats were dying. His mate was dying. His kit is going to die. This was the first time he'd ever truly felt love for someone, and it was slipping away. His time here was done. He knew it had to be this way. He told himself it was because he couldn't stand living in a clan so weak, but he knew in his heart that it was because he couldn't bare to see them die. So one night while the clan was sleeping, Redwood sneaked away and ran. Ran as far as his feet would carry him. All the way back home. Redwood returned to Tideclan into open arms. His parents and friends were thrilled to see him again after being gone for so long. He told them nothing about where he went and what he'd done. Instead he threw himself into his work. It was at this point when Sky and Pine had their second litter. Giving birth to two little siblings. A tom and a she-kit named Bark and Tiger. He hated them at first. Every time they saw them all he could see was his little Redkit. But slowly he began to warm up to them. Until he eventually started to adore them. Well, he adores manipulating them. Always pitting them against each other and encouraging naughty behavior. He often took out his frustrations on the little siblings. It was a good distraction from the pain in his heart. He took a particular liking to his little sister Bark, who was clearly the more dominant of the two.
~The Unification~
The day that the clan cats joined the kingdom was the day everything changed. It was them, the clan cats he had stayed with. How did they survive? There were a lot less of them now, only a small group of mangled cats. Redwood was one of the first cats to greet them. He knew they probably hated him for abandoning his family but he didn't care. All he wanted was to see his family again. But Heatherheart was nowhere to be found. Instead, there was a large golden tom. Redwood recognized him from his time with the clan cats. And in his mouth was a little bundle of red fur. Redkit. He introduced himself immediately, eager to shove his way back into his daughter's life. But she didn't recognize him. He introduced himself as her father, but it seems he had been replaced. Blazingtiger, was it? He knew he should have felt more saddened by his mate's death, but he spent his time grieving. Now he will begin his journey to win his daughter back. Now, his thoughts on the new leadership. Lunareclipse is an interesting cat. Big and strong, and not to mention intimidating. If he could pick a cat besides himself to be a better replacement for Reef it would be her. Reef was weak and an embarrassment. Redwood already had plans to overthrow him, but Lunar came in at the perfect time. Now with her stepping up as the new queen Redwood feels he can be proud of his kingdom. He hopes her relation to the Shadow's leader will not cause any... weak judgement. .


~A Lying Snake~

Redwood was disturbed from his restful afternoon by sudden chaos erupting in the center of camp. Birchbriar had been attacked! The red tom would lumber closer to watch the situation unfold and do his best to help control the situation. When the queen finally emerged from her den, they got some answers. Apparently, the little fisher had been attacked by Blazingtiger. The brute who seemed to have stolen Redpaw’s heart. Redwood wasn’t surprised, in fact, it would have been /more/ surprising if the large tom didn’t have anything to do with the situation at all. Even so, Redwood would do his best to sway the crowd in his favor. Surely if he helped Blazing look innocent, his daughter would see he’s a good man. Right? He’d even offered to escort a search party for the tom, but then the man of the hour made his appearance. Again, Redwood would do his best to convince the crowd of Blazingtiger’s innocence, but then the buffoon went and spilled all his dirty little secrets and got himself exiled. Making him /and/ Redwood both look like a fool. Still, he bottled up his frustrations and wished the golden tom luck on his journey. He has to say, he isn’t upset that he’s gone.
~Starclan’s Peak (2nd Gathering)~
Redwood attended his first gathering, which happened to be the second one ever conducted between the kingdoms. He was excited to finally get to meet some of the new cats from the neighboring group. He’d make his rounds while keeping a close eye on his daughter who was undoubtedly on the hunt for blazingtiger. After a while, Redwood would become bored and make his way back towards the edge of the gathering space. Only to watch in growing amusement as his newest friend, Rat, gets into a brief argument with a cat from the Shadows. The argument seemed to be winding down however, and Redwood wouldn’t be letting that happen. So he made himself known and joined in with Rat on the teasing. It was entertaining, but nothing could last forever. The speeches would soon begin! The pair would sit together and listen as things seemed to go smoothly. That is, until Birchbriar and Frozenbrook made their stand. They were creating a new clan. “Ridgeclan” as they called it. Redwood would keep his mouth shut as he watched the chaos unfold. Oh, how easy it was for cats to get so riled up about these things. It was hilarious and endlessly entertaining. Not to say Redwood didn’t agree with them though; He was just as aggravated by this new Clan as the rest of them. Those traitors won’t last a minute out on their own. Soon the gathering would end and everyone would go their separate ways. Redwood would bid his little friend farewell and slip back into the ranks of his Kingdom. Mind still lingering on this strange night.
Not long after the last gathering the Tides Deputy, Darkpool, had been removed from her position as second in command for using brutal force on a patrol. It was sad to see the noble feline step down, but that moment of sympathy was soon replaced with pure excitement. It seemed that something about the red tom had caught their leader’s eye, and he had been approached to take up the mantle in Darkpool’s stead. At first Redwood was nervous, would he make a good deputy? He knew in his heart that an opportunity like this would only come once in a lifetime, so he took it. Being able to hold such a position of power could not be matched, and he was ecstatic to begin. Maybe even now his beautiful Redpaw would begin to see his true potential now that he’s achieved such an accomplishment. He can finally get the respect he /deserves/
~A Flirtatious Encounter~
It wasn’t long after his promotion that Redwood had the flirtatious meeting with a she-cat from the Kingdom Within the Shadows. She was a trapper named Poppyspark, and the two managed to hit it off right away. They had great chemistry, and after spending that first afternoon together getting to know one another they agreed to meet on a more regular basis. So they did! They would meet every few nights on a stone in Summerset Fields. A beautiful spot where they could lounge and talk without any disruptions. Redwood enjoyed these meetings, but he couldn’t help the pang in his heart every time they crossed paths. Guilt… was it? Was he betraying Heatherheart by meeting with this she-cat? The tom would convince himself that this wasn’t the case, that the two of them were simply good friends, but his feelings told another story. He was starting to fall for Poppyspark.
~A Deal by Moonlight~
One night, While Redwood was out on an evening stroll, the tom came across a small battered cat stranded inside the Tides Territory. The stranger was clearly weak and in need of assistance, so instead of driving them out the deputy would make himself known. The two would have a tense conversation where he’d learn that this tom is named Antflight, and that he had recently been chased out of his old kingdom for attacking the Princess. He was from The Kingdom Within the Shadows. Redwood knew having an ex Shadows warrior on his side could prove helpful, so he’d strike a deal between them. If Antflight agreed to share all he knew about the other kingdom, and agreed to never lay a claw against a member of the tides, Redwood would provide him protection and shelter. Antflight would agree. A deal by Moonlight.
~Good News? And a Coconut~
It was a beautiful New-leaf night when Redwood left camp to attend one of the regular meetups between himself and Poppyspark. He’d wait for her until she arrived, but when she got there he’d notice something… off. When provoked, Poppyspark would give him incredible news. She was expecting their kits.. At first Redwood refused to believe it, but soon the truth began to set in. *What had he done?* The deputy wasn’t quite sure how to feel. Happy? Concerned? Angry? He wasn’t sure, but he felt it all. Above all else, he was fearful. Something like this could be career ruining. It could destroy any shred of respect he had gained from his kingdom if this news was made public. As they spoke, he could feel the eyes of his lost love, Heatherheart, looming above him. Watching. Judging. In the end, Redwood and Poppyspark agreed to end their relationship and part ways. The tom also agreed to take one of the kits from Poppyspark’s litter to raise in the Tides. So he could help in any way he could. A few days after their birth, Poppyspark would sneak out of camp to drop off her only she-kit on the border. Redwood would take her and raise the child himself using coconut milk as a food substitute. Because of this, he’d affectionately name her ‘Coconutkit’. He’d go on to tell her and the kingdom that he had found her abandoned near the travelers den just along the border. Letting her, and everyone else, believe that he had simply taken her under his wing.

profile html by Hukiolukio