


4 years, 11 months ago


My Wakfu character. Not involved in a roleplay, I'm just cooking my own stories.

Name, nicknames: Karigurashi, Kari

Age: 70-something is a grave secret only known by a few, if you wanna live you agree she's 30.

Gender: female

Birthday: May 5

Class: enutrof (born)

Loyalty to the class god: ★★★★★

Occupation: former adventurer, currently market broker, opportunist like any good enutrof, hobbyist engineer and handyworker.

Voice claim: none yet


Kari is a nice person with a firm hand and evil appearance (sometimes to the point of disney villains). Has great self-control, smiles and laughs often in public, is more relaxed, but also positive and warm in private. Good listener, good talker as well. Sharp and bright mind. A bit snobby and judgmental, but will tell you off so politely that it'll take hours if not days to realize you've been shown a middle finger.

Appears unbreakable and mentally stable, though she still carries traumas of losing her raid partners (Suto's parents) in a battle, also she couldn't forgive the fleeing coward which is Aho's dad. Gets triggered at his mention.


- Name and partly appearance come from Ghibli's "Karigurashi no Arrietty".

- Born and raised in Amakna.

- Is a mildly influental, known and loved person in Amakna.

- Has one of the best houses in the entire nation, which you of course can't tell from outside. Enutrofs will avoid attracting too much attention.

- Earned her place and status through the hard work, devotion to the god Enutrof, patience, sheer willpower, luck and charm.

- Aho's biological mother, Suto's foster mother. Nobody, ever, must publicly name their relation. Psh, she's too young to have kids.

- Never saw herself as a parent, but shit happens (tm). Loves Aho to death and it's mutual, it's a bit more one-sided with Suto but they've come to good terms after all. Now that both are grown up and independent, she's free to spend more resources on herself yet again. Though she'll sometimes invite kids for a good, hearty lunch (which obviously comes at a cost of doing dishes later).

- Knows how to cook and keep the house clean, though doesn't like this too much.

- Has a vendetta against Aho's father who made her forget everything in the world, then disappeared when Kari's pregnancy became obvious. Later on, when Aho was around 8, she met Sencha's mother, who was let down by the same man. They bonded over the shared hate and searched for him together, still to no avail. When their kids grew up a little more, they started guesting in each other's city. Sen would come to Amakna more often than Aho & Suto to Bonta, which Kari doesn't mind, she has a little talented apprentice now.

- Speaking of apprentices: Aho started helping her out with the market stuff recently, which was surprisingly effective. Aho, you can't have two gods..

- Spends a handful of time in her cozy, quiet cabinet, doing the paperwork, market analysis and so on.

- Has two fashion styles: fancy lady attire for business and going out, and practical, coarse wear for occasional treasure hunts and workshop.

- Uses ancestral shovel and daggers as main weapons. Has drheller pet. Can transform into drhellzerker.

- Avoids any romance ever since she was duped by Aho's dad, which gained her a reputation among dozens rejected over the years.


Music themes: ♪ MillionaireHow to love