


4 years, 10 months ago


Absent-minded, weird and can fall asleep anywhere.

By day Erik works in an office writing "news" (most are fake, products of his imagination) for a small web. Working at Buzzfeed is his dream. He also inserts secret messages between the lines to conquer the world as Mignyan, although no one has yet managed to decipher his messages.

At night he works as a magician in the streets. Adults fear him because he is really absent-minded, and his scars are proof of that. More than one has been injured with his tricks, so now he does most of the tricks without an "assistant". For some reason children adore him and he likes them too, although his tricks don't always work out well.

Loves magic in all forms, instant noodles, his phone and internet. He is scared of rabbits, loud noises and thunders. Have a guinea pig. Erik don't believe in ghost, psychics and mediums.

He lives alone (with his guinea pig) but he spends his time in Igna's huge apartment for video games and free food.

Calm, he's almost always happy (except in the office where he's stressed, but he would be more stressed without money) with dark circles for practicing new tricks until late or staying on the phone. If you want to make him angry, ignore him when he is talking or doing one of his tricks. If a trick goes especially good and you ignored him, consider yourself dead.

He have two scars in the form of "x" on the right side of the mouth for holding a knife with his mouth.

As a magician, he doesn't always have his hat on, because he basically forgets it.

