


4 years, 11 months ago


~Basic info~

 ~Name: Fiera~ 

~Gender: Female~

~Species: Pelago~

~Sexuality: Heterosexual~

~Age: 15~

~Hobbies: Painting, drawing~


~Tier: Rare Nectar Pelago~

~Common horn~

~Rare butt feathers~

~Rare butterfly wings~

~Rare Banyan Tree~


~Popular girl of her village~

~Confident and plays with boys of the village.~

~Loves to brag about her beautiful wings.~

~She is very talkative and her friends barely ever get to say a word when she is speaking.~

~She is very talented in art and can often be found painting or sketching in her notebooks.~

~Positive Traits~






~Negative Traits~






~ She was born into a loving family. She grew up with 2 brothers and 1 sister. 

Her parents were always loving to all of their children and encouraged them to pursue their dreams.

Fiera was very talented in art from a young age but she wasnt very confident in it and was shy to show it to anyone, but with her parents encouragement she became much more confident about it. 

She is very social and spends alot of time with her friends and whenever she isn't spending time with them she is usually sketching random things from her village.

She is very proud of her family and loves them deeply and she never lets anyone talk bad about them as she is very protective of her family and heritage.

She is very confident about her looks and often brags about her wings and how beautiful and majestic they are which her friends got used to and now find it more cute than annoying.

Despite being very social she is often  ignorant about how her fellow pelago is feeling as she tends to get caught up with bragging or drawing to notice how theyre feeling.

Despite that she tries to be the best friends she could possibly be with everyone around her.

She is very critical of her art and everything always must be perfect with it for her to like it.

It often happens that she makes full paintings and ends up throwing them away because of the small imperfections it has.

She is determined to one day become a honored artist and one of her biggest dreams is to meet her idol who she adores.~