
Gender: Female

Age: ???

Hair color: Brunette

Eye color: Orange

Tail Color: Green

Genie Type: Modern

Sexual Preference: ???

Job: None

Loves: Lime Shortcakes, casually writing, Sunbathing

Hates: Being stuck in her vessel, Cold nights, No ink when writing

    Dagny use to be a French noblewoman who lived in the late 1800s/early 1900s. She tended to enjoy time to herself while the sun was at it's fullest, especially on summer days. But one night, one of her ex-boyfriends became extremely jealous of her better life and ended up going off the deep end. When she was alone, he ends up turning her into a genie, quickly sealing her in a vessel and then quickly went back to his home (it's unknown if he did anything with her new genie form). As time passes, She became use to her new life, though she was often locked away in her vessel.