


8 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info












Laid-back, Sensible, Concerned


Trukk is Lightveil's brother by adoption. The two of them grew up in the town of Foothold, near the Hell Marsh. Honestly about as close as you can get to the Hell Marsh without regularly being accosted by demons and mutated hellish creatures. Which isn't to say it was free of the influence of the Marsh.  Chaos tends to flourish well around demonic presences, so you definitely get more instances of "weird" magical happenings in the area.  

Trukk, in particular, wasn't much for it.  Mom was a Cleric of D'Kap'Ta, a notable Chaos God. Trukk looked up to her, sure. She seemed pretty favored by a literal god.  That's not nothing.  Also she was good at keeping him and Lightveil safe when they were kids.  The side effects of being taken care of by D'Kap'Ta magic were annoying at worst, really.  Still, he was kind of sick of it at one point in his late teen years.  Went up north to train with Orc Lord troops.  Learn the finer points of barbarianing, y'know? Not so big on Orc Lord philosophy, but dude built an army that knows their shit.  Learned a lot.  That whole 'funnel your anger into literal power' thing and all was good, but he eventually headed back home.

One day, Mom just disappeared.  Lightveil heard a noise coming from her room, and got Trukk to check it out with her.  Opening their mother's door, they saw none other than the Diabolist, who merely pointed at them and then disappeared in a plume of fire.

So, like, there's this spell, it has a lot of specific factors to it but the idea is you cast it on your kids and for like as long as you maintain it or for like half an hour, if one of them encounters trouble, they're teleported to the the one that ISN'T in danger.  It's pretty much unheard of to make such a thing a permanent curse without a LOT of power.  Anyways that's the deal with Lightveil and Trukk after this situation.  Also the danger thing is opposite, which isn't ideal. They're basically glued together in battle.

So now they're on this adventure.  There's lots of demons involved, and the fate of the gnomes, and oh my god the demons.  Santa Cora, the holiest city in the world is on fire, and also filled with demons there are SO MANY DEMONS.

On the way, Trukk basically tried to keep Lightveil from causing too much shit.  For his trouble, he was briefly bodyswapped with her, and ended up with a demonic eye on his hand.  Then at some point she turned into a dragon, and the gods seemed to be... less interested in him.  Catastrophically so.  Every time she does something crazy, it seems Trukk gets a little bit smaller, and a little bit less... cosmically important.  So now he has to compete with his sister for theoretically the right to exist.  Fun.