Hiroki Yohanon



4 years, 10 months ago


  • Hiroki Hezekiah Yohanon

  • 22829314_UM3SgR5Qjy2wX4L.jpg
  • Personality INTJ 3w4 358 sx/sp 
  • Appearance Age 19
  • Gender Male 
  • Height 5’11”
  • Occupation Scientist
  • Race Immortal Time Traveler
  • Symbol Magic Aeon
  • Birthday July 18th
  • Date of Creation May 20th 2014 (est.)
  • Theme  

 "Enemy or ally, my lady and good sir~? Ah, nothing. Just a line that reminds me of the past."



Always wearing a fake smile no matter what the situation around people he does not trust, Hiroki has a habit of showing a fake persona that always speaks cheerfully and shows no preferences for anything other than experimentation and textbooks. On the other hand, his regular personality for those he trusts is quite serious, but also obedient. This side of him shows care for those around him, but still is very guarded. Lastly, in previous worlds he was able to show his unrestrained self around his wife. His personality is seemingly very short tempered and blunt when around his wife, but it stems from the trust he has that she will not abandon him. Currently, Hiroki is more earnest in his relationships, though there is a missing link between what is considered moral and what he perceives as appropriate. While he does not like to reveal things about himself, he is more willing than before to sacrifice information about himself to keep social peace than before. Compared to his past self, he generally shows less emotional extremes.

Appearance 22829314_UM3SgR5Qjy2wX4L.jpg

Eye Color: Dark brown with no shine in his eyes.

Hair Color: Dirty blonde

Clothing: Hiroki has two main outfits. The first is a blue hoodie without a zipper with khaki pants and brown shoes. The second is a blue vest over a white long-sleeved button up shirt with a white lab coat, khaki pants, brown dress shoes, and a blue messenger bag slung over his right shoulder and resting at his left hip. He wears a small silver pocket watch around his neck with a tulip engraved on it in both outfits.


  • Textbooks
  • Biology
  • Experimentation
  • Apple cider
  • Fighting
  • Peace and quiet.


  • His old catchphrase was “Enemy or ally, my good sir/lady?”, but recently he only uses this when feeling homesick.
  • Hiroki fights with a scalpel that he attained through his time in the laboratory, though he used to fight with a misshapen dagger.
  • Worlds and times he has previously been to
  • Repetition
  • Pocket watches.

  • He has a habit of spinning his scalpel when talking.
  • While Hiroki is half Japanese, the experiments that he underwent and the environment he grew up in changed the color of his hair.











Hiroki was born in a world where all the countries had turned on each other, but due to unclear borders the war seemed to be a free-for-all. Hiroki was living at an orphanage at the time, unsure of the identity of his parents. In the orphanage, Hiroki met a girl who had nicknamed herself Sakasa. Sakasa was an older sister figure to all of the children in the orphanage, and even though Hiroki was older than her, she still took care of him.

Eventually, they orphanage got caught in a crossfire and only Hiroki and Sakasa escaped alive. From then on, the two helped each other to survive by both fighting enemies who treated them as spies for whatever country happened to be their enemy and scavenging for food in the polluted world. Sakasa was eventually killed and Hiroki, devastated, was approached by a boy claiming to be a god who gave him a pocket watch that had the power to turn back time. However, it was very difficult to control and if he went too far back he would have to live in the time he went back to.

For six hundred years, Hiroki went back in time to try to save Sakasa. Little did he know that his own timeline branched and due to this he hand landed in a world where Sakasa was his enemy. The same occurred for Sakasa in a world where Hiroki had died. By the time they had reached the same timeline as each other, they were accustomed to killing each other assuming they were enemies, yet still were trying to save each other.

One day, after killing Sakasa, Hiroki turned time back too far and appeared in a different world. In this world he helped a group of middle schoolers defeat a god of death where Sakasa had been indebted to that death god and helped it. However, in this world Hiroki met his future wife Agnes. Though torn between Sakasa and Agnes, he eventually realized that his love for Sakasa had only turned into an unhealthy obsession and married Agnes. The two had a child and Hiroki was able to die of old age with satisfaction. However, due to his clock, when he died he was born into another world. In this world he had a brother named Samuel. Hiroki grew close to his father in that world, though he still kept his memories of the previous world. In his satisfaction, they seemed distant. Yet, Hiroki’s father abandoned his family and his mother, blaming his disappearance on Hiroki, attempted to kill him. This event ended with Hiroki killing his mother and fatally wounding his younger brother, though he thought he had killed him.

Then orphaned, Hiroki was found by a laboratory that worked with human experimentation and forced him to become a lab rat along with other children to become a human weapon. It was at this time that he reunited with Agnes in that world, meeting her through the gate of the courtyard. They soon befriended each other, but once they were found out Hiroki was locked inside. Hiroki became the only successful experiment, freeing himself from the laboratory with his new power.

Hiroki traveled a variety of worlds, such as one where he gained an education under the tutelage of a professor who abused his ability to turn back time to cram more information into him. Eventually, he reached the Magic Realm where he became a scientist working under Caio Nightingale and the physician of Caius Nightingale, as the realm tends to treat the two occupations as one. In this realm he now lives with Agnes as his assistant, accepting his immortality due to his clock but secretly wishing to rest in peace.

Symbol Magic

About Symbol Magic: Each person in the Magic Realm possesses a Symbol Magic due to an accident caused by the creator of their realm. These symbols are companions to their master and reflect their master’s inner self.

Hiroki’s Symbol Magic:

Name: Aeon

Form: Snake with wings slithering around a floating hoop.


Agnes Matthias

[ Wife ] 

Hiroki met Agnes after he first accidentally traveled to a world other than his own.


Hitomiko Wakahisa

[ Ally ] 

Hiroki met Hitomiko after he first accidentally traveled to a world other than his own.


Samuel Beckham

[ Younger Brother ] 

Hiroki first learned he had a brother a few world lines after his first accidental travel.


Caio Nightingale

[ Boss ] 

Hiroki met Caio when he first traveled to the Magic Realm’s world line.


Caius Nightingale

[ Patient ] 

Hiroki met Caius three years after he began working for Caio, though he had met him briefly in previous worlds.
