Irvin Marlow



4 years, 10 months ago


  • Irvin Marlow

  • Personality INTJ 1w2 154 so/sx
  • Age 19
  • Gender Male 
  • Height 5’6”
  • Occupation Magic Realm’s King
  • Race Magician
  • Magic Star
  • Birthday December 26th
  • Date of CreationOctober 14th 2016
  • Themeフィクサー

 "I vow to protect my kingdom and all of its people, not just the aristocrats, but the minorities, the ill, the weak, and the suffering. I will make no excuse for the horrors that have happened in this land, and I will do my utmost to prevent further pain."



Irvin is very serious, impatient at times, and gets embarrassed easily. He tries not to reveal his own feelings, and often hides behind a facade of aristocratic airs with a sharp tongue when feeling threatened. Ignoring his facades, he is very caring and soft-hearted. He holds a sense of responsibility to his kingdom, friends, and students and tries to rule with fairness. However, he also can be very self deprecating and is very fearful.



Eye Color: Green

Hair Color: Blonde

Clothing: Irvin wears a gold crown with celadon jewels embedded in it. His armor is also a dark gold, consisting of a chest piece and two shoulder pieces. He wears a red cape that is bound together by a broach with a dark gold metal base and a celadon jewel with the kingdom’s crest engraved in it. His coat is dark blue with gold trimming and so is his shirt. His pants are also dark blue with a brown belt and brown shoes. He wears white gloves that cover all of his hand.

Staff: Jagged, dark brown wood that is hooked at the top to surround a crimson colored crystal.


  • Simple foods (salads, sandwiches)
  • Teaching
  • Ancient magic
  • Ancient charms
  • Cats
  • Taking care of his kingdom and students


  • Irvin is most likely to be found teaching or practicing magic when not working on his kingdom’s affairs.
  • Irvin has star magic, the second highest of the levels of magic in his world.
  • Irvin is inflicted by a corruption of dark magic that takes advantage of people’s weaknesses, specifically depression. He tries his best to hide this to the point where even the most skilled at detecting dark magic cannot sense it.
  • He is horrible with technology and cannot even figure out how to turn one on by himself. 
  • He collects ancient magic charms that he taught his classes how to make. 
  • Physical contact
  • Junk food
  • Modern technology and science
  • Injustice and abuse

  • Irvin’s staff ignites whenever he tries to use it, so he cannot do so without burning himself. This is because he must use the staff that has been passed down throughout the royal family rather than the customized staffs most use.
  • His defensive phrase is calling someone a “dirty commoner,” but he has rarely used this with anyone besides his best friend since middle school.
  • Irvin’s flower, the fern, represents sincerity and humility, as well as magic and the bonds of love.










Content Warning

Character description includes references to sensitive topics such as domestic abuse, suicide, and mental illness. These are not discussed in detail, but please proceed with discernment.


Irvin was born into the Royal Family as the twenty-second prince to the queen who took the immortality potion. As all the previous princes had died by age nineteen because of this queen's abuse, Irvin grew up knowing that he too only had nineteen years to live. As a child, Irvin was both abused by his mother and unable to make any friends with his classmates. Due to the special treatment he recieved as a prince, his classmates either did not want to get close to him or wished to take advantage of his status. As for those who wished to take advantage of his status, Irvin made a habit of paying them to leave in his elementary years. This habit followed him until high school. Around the third grade, Irvin inherited the books of knowledge of the previous kings, and through magic this knowledge was ingrained into his memories. Through this, he was able to study ancient magic from a young age. His mother forced Irvin to study ancient magic due to an irregularity he had in his magic that would likely kill him before he even turned nineteen. However, Irvin enjoyed the opportunity to learn and, using the knowledge of previous kings, was allowed to take a position as both a tutor of magicians in the Human Realm and a professor at the Royal Magic College as only a middle schooler. However, the first class of students he tutored in the Human Realm was terribly instable. Tradgedy befell his class of four students and he was unable to bring himself to enter the Human Realm for another two years. It was at this time that he attempted tutoring again, meeting his best friend, his wife, and his future advisors that he would employ when he became king. After facing many challenges with this group both academically and with irregularities because of magic, Irvin's death drew near due to his own magic irregularity. It was at this time that they found his best friend's mother, who was able to cure his condition through magic science. However, due to his mother's abuse, his life was still in danger. After a couple months, he met the leader of a resistance group claiming to be criminals. It was through this encounter that he was able to gain the courage to seal his mother within a book, and gain both control over the kingdom and the right to live. He now rules over the realm, attempting to repair his realm from his mother's rule and establish relations with other realms.

Symbol Magic

About Symbol Magic: Each person in the Magic Realm possesses a Symbol Magic due to an accident caused by the creator of their realm. These symbols are companions to their master and reflect their master’s inner self.

Irvin’s Symbol Magic:

Name: David

Form: Sheep

Description: This magic has a passive skill that turns the atmosphere of the room into very peaceful and, for lack of a better word, fluffy. This mostly functions to counteract its master’s tendency to get stressed to the point of breaking. Mostly a defensive magic, it holds the ability to shield its master from danger and to shoot rocks at enemies. Much like its master, this magic wishes to support the kingdom it’s in and bring it to stability and greatness. Despite its aura, it is quite serious and holds strict values. This magic will support its master as long as he upholds good morals. It is based off of the tale of King David and seems to be friendly and loving.

Marietta Raynott

[ Wife ] 

Marietta was originally one of Irvin’s students from when he decided to teach in the Human Realm a second time. Despite Irvin’s inexperience with technology and Marietta loving games, the two eventually began dating after their friend and Irvin’s student Sylar asked Irvin what girl he likes the most and Marietta overhearing. The two went through many trials together both due to troubles in the Magic Realm, with magic, and their own personality flaws. After Irvin gained control over the realm, he soon married Marietta and she became his queen. The two now act as each other’s strength as they share troubles over ruling the kingdom.


Sylar Hardings

[ Best Friend ] 

Sylar was originally one of Irvin’s students from when Irvin decided to teach in the Human Realm a second time. Being very mischievous, he often caused trouble for Irvin during their class time and as the worst student, he would get the most attention from Irvin. Now holding the title of the strongest in the Magic Realm, Sylar often helped Irvin on many quests, even going to different realms with him. When Irvin was about to die due to the irregularity with his magic, it was Sylar’s mother who helped to save his life. Now Sylar works with the Royal Guard to protect the kingdom, though Irvin had to convince him that he could be both an artist and a member of the guard.


Ethelyn Fletcher

[ Magic Advisor ] 

Ethelyn was originally one of Irvin’s students from when he decided to teach in the Human Realm a second time. She was a good student and helped Irvin to both calm Marietta during class and control Sylar. Through their trials, Irvin discovered that Ethelyn was the source of magic from Neptune, who put herself in a human body and temporarily sealed her memories to experience what life was like for those who she bestowed magic on. Ethelyn now lives in Irvin’s castle as his advisor on magic.

Caio Nightingale

[ Police Force Executive ] 

Caio came to him one day advising him to reject the twin law that the court was attempting to pass to execute the twin that held magic due to its power being twice that of the prince’s power. If he did not, Caio threatened that he would do all that is in his power to destroy the economy. While Irvin had been planning how to reject this, the trouble with the twin law was the start of the movement that led Irvin to take the throne from his mother and institute a police force in addition to the Royal Guard. The two now work closely together to keep the kingdom stable.


Caius Nightingale

[ Strongest Magician ] 

Irvin originally met Caius due to the twin laws the aristocrats were attempting to pass, calling for the twin that held magic to be executed due to their power being much stronger than a regular human’s. After successfully convincing his court to reject the law, he often calls on Caius and his brother to use their magic when his is lacking.
