
Name: Azora

Name meaning: a blue and clear sky

Nicknames? Azzy

Gender: female

Species and/or specific breed: winged wolf


She's a kind-hearted canine with not much to her name besides her own four paws and her little shack down by the Skyedge. While Azzy is happy with where she is and what she has, she's even happier to have a friend of her own. This is someone who very clearly values other people far more than any sort of material good. In fact, Azora is one of the kindest people in the little seaside town. The inside of the shack is filled with plants, herbs, and flowers of all types. She's grown them for years and gives them to people in need of a little more cheer in their lives.

Sometimes, however, that person who needs that joy is herself. Every so often storms will come onto shore, and Azora hides under her little pile of blankets and shakes until it's all over. When she was just a pup, a lightning bolt caught her home on fire, and though the pouring rain quickly put it out, it was still incredibly traumatizing. So any time that the clouds come in, she stares up at them until they leave, the rain stops, and she feels safe once more.

Azora first met Glowheart when they were both pups out in the rain, with not much of anything to their names and no good place to stay in Starheart's little Lighthouse Town. Azora spread out her wings and the two went searching together in an unspoken agreement. A friendly innkeeper took them in, and this cheerful grandmotherly goat turned out to become their adoptive parent.

This little old lady kept an inn by the ocean for travelers and had a little hut of her own down by the sea. This was where the two wanderers got a place to stay, and more importantly, a home.

Slowly the two grew up. Glowheart did a lot more helping out at the inn, while Azora preferred to wander the small city, helping whoever seemed to be in need. When their adoptive mother eventually died peacefully in her sleep one night, they decided to take over the inn and help travelers out themselves.

They still reside there to this day, and these days they're the kind of people that brighten everyone else's lives.