Kawatta Matsumori's Comments

What is their quirk?

She still lacks one! I'm highly indecisive so I'm bouncing back and forth between a few ^^;

Please feel free and shoot me any ideas ^^

What about the ability to cloak herself? Kind of like Hagukare but not all the time. More like she can cloak herself to look like another person/animal/item (kind of like the creatures from Prey) or just with the colors around her

Ooooo that's not bad!

I was hoping for a more intense combat heavy feel to her though. I want to to be like the PE teacher xD

hmmm what about a quirk that allows her to send shockwaves via her movements? Like if she receives damage, she can send collect it and send the force back outwards (similar to the Black Panther suit). She can still feel pain, but it's dulled and it doesnt harm her as much as it would someone else without this quirk.

omg idk if you've ever played Mass Effect 2 but that makes me think of Jack and I'm REALLY digging that vibe!!

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