Fairy Floss's Comments

hi, sorry if they're off limits, but check my TH (personal and mains folder off limits, constellions and crystaline cats off limits)

I can do the 10 for them!

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What are you looking for-? :0

ill offer 150 points, 2 animated icons, any 3 characters of mine (mains and some secondaries r off limits tho), and 3 busts!

ill have to pass, so sorry! thank you for offering though!!

o would u accept if i did 250 points? :)

i can't take points, sorry <3

oh ok

theyre adorable! is there a minimum amount youre looking for? i can offer money and some art!!

i can offer 30 points, 2 busts, 2 animated icons, and 2 fullbodies!

If they're ever ufo lmk pls ilu

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