Everett *** ♕



4 years, 11 months ago


early life

everett is the prince of his kingdom, althera. he spends most of his day in his room working on whatever he can find, but when he has the chance to leave the castle he explores all around the town, kindly greeting the other kalons and buying trinkets and such at markets. sometimes rowan, the crown assassin, sneaks into his room at night, and they chat for a long time about how the other has been. rowan always acts mad at or upset with everett, and he doesn't quite understand why, but brushes it aside and sticks close to him. often times everett will fall asleep while talking to him and laying on his shoulder, but when he wakes up rowan will be gone. everett wants the two of them to be in a relationship but he worries about it conflicting with rowans job and for that reason hasn't mentioned it. one of his other good friends is quill, the most trusted knight of the castle who spends most of his time guarding the prince. everett is relayed most of his information by quill, and quill brings him small objects he has bought while out working. everett appreciates the small act of kindness and collects the items in a box. everett trusts quill with his life, and knows that he would do anything to make sure he is safe. everett knows that if the circumstances of his life were different, they would still be friends. his relationship with his parents is strained, as he is torn between wanting to live a free life and becoming the future king.