Amarachi Pretorius



4 years, 10 months ago


amarachi pretorius

anya. dûr de comprenure. they cannot know of my whereabouts.


click here


5'7 | 170.18 cm






14 february

zodiac sign







pansexual + polyamorous

code by



amarachi was always a bit of a wallflower, even after their family moved slightly south of the border from quebec, canada to upstate new york. when they got to university, the council of witches noticed their great potential and schemed to bring them under their wings as one of their own, taking advantage of their insecurities to give them a sense of purpose.

this, thankfully, did not work out.

upon their graduation, they were immediately employed at blackthorne univerity - northeast and put to work indoctrinating students into a mass of witches, easily controlled by the policies of the council. amarachi, however, noticed how wrong that was, and set to work attempting to sway young witches away from the council.

they held the position of lecturer for five years before they were fired.

their love of teaching did not vanish, and with their fiance (soon-to-be wife), they managed to move to new york city and begin tutoring witches before they hit college -- maybe, if they reached out to them before, they could protect others from the fate that almost befell them, and from becoming a mindless cog in the machine.



he's generally a cheerful person, with a hopeful outlook on the world. he's not cold, but there is a bit of an air of solemnity which surrounds them which some take as "bad vibes" and in turn, leave him to his own devices. he would much prefer to cuddle up with some tea and books, or even a movie, but they are willing to go out if something interests him or his partners. he is patient, and dislikes conflict -- he will fight if he has to, verbally or otherwise (that's not the point). he's the kind of person to go for de-escalation first, before anything else.

fun facts

  • their full title is amarachi pretorius, the witch of the dawn
  • their fashion sense is most inspired by goth and dark academia aesthetics
  • they speak quebec french (they will claim better than english, but honestly, their english is fine just with a very audible accent)
  • they've taken up writing as a side hobby. they write exclusively under a pen name, and they write about the teaching and theory of magic. it keeps their mind busy and sharp


  • stargazing
  • teaching young witches
  • gemstones -- amethyst has his heart for what should be obvious reasons


zarina santiago

mentor/mentee - positive

she is bright, she is driven, she is powerful. she is going to go places, to great places. i see it. but i want her to go there with her friends. that is not where her head is at, and i have no idea how to help her. that is what hurts about this situation.

charisma lee baker

partners (married) - best friends

my clair de lune, she has been with me through thick and thin. i have no idea what, or who, i would be without her by my side. she is my rock, even when she decides to be cheeky with me.

anastasia voronin

partners - best friends

wow. their hands... clearly they paid attention at physical therapy school or what have you. that's... that's besides the point. they're not overbearing at all, which is what i thought upon first seeing them. we need to go on a tattoo date at some point; we're not getting any younger!

aurora de la croix

partners - close friends

when we sit on the roof of our building and watch the moon and stars, we may not do a lot of talking, but just being near each other is enough to warm our hearts. i'm glad she feels safe with me, with us, really.


  • the witch council
  • overly bitter things, especially coffee
  • being in the spotlight -- blackthorne northeast asks him to do commencement speeches on a semi-regular basis. he refuses. every time.
