
Gender: Female

Age: 20

Hair color: Red

Eye color: Dark Yellow

Tail Color: Red

Genie Type: Modern

Sexual Preference: Straight

Loves: Flowers, gardens

Hates: Fire, terrible smells

    Once, Aofie was a Irish young adult woman who usually hanged out around gardens, mainly due to the sweet smell of the flowers & that it was her comfort zone. After a long day, she noticed a shop that appeared out of nowhere but entered in it anyways. She bought a bottle that looked like a flower and drank out of it days later, as it tasted like the most delicious strawberry. Soon, the drink changing her into a genie, though she was comfortable with it.

    Overtime, she taught herself some martial arts, feeling like she should protect herself. She is also known for slapping her masters that make wishes she is not fond of.