


5 years, 2 months ago


  • : Rowin :

  • DOM5h5N.png
  • age :17
  • gender :Male
  • SPECIES :Human
  • Occupation :None
  • theme :
    Welcome to the Damned - Gracchus

: narcissistic cunning eager :


Rowin dreams of taking over the world and believes that he absolutely has the power to do so. His magic allows him to perform necromancy. He's currently trying to resurrect enough of the undead to create an army that will worship and aid him in conquering everyone and everything. So far his army consists of one little zombie girl, and another child he believes to be a zombie- he's still has a long way to go if he wants to conquer anything.

Buggy, Boo and Rowin are currently roaming the forests and villages in search of things that could make Rowin's magic even stronger. One of the main objectives of his journey is to find an interesting little botanist who can supposedly bring life to plant-based inanimate objects perfect for his army.

 "Die already so I can bring you back and make you worship me." 

height : 5'10

build : Lanky

pronouns : He/Him

s.o. : Bi

dob :Dec. 31st

sign : Capricorn

origin : Who knows

Demeanor  :Overconfident 

Likes :

  • Cats
  • Zombies
  • Admirers
  • Power

Dislikes :

  • Doubters
  • Ghosts
  • Meat
  • When Buggy is distracting


[ Devoted Follower Buggy was the first human Rowin has ever successfully brought back to life. She's very chaotic and not what he was expecting as his first soldier, and would've probably been his last choice of one if Rowin knew any better. Nonetheless he feels obligated to care for her, no matter how much she seems to get on his nerves. He may actually secretly enjoy her company. 

Boo MagjG73.png

[ Devoted Follower ] When Rowin arrived at a graveyard and performed a resurrection spell Boo popped around the corner. Rowin, thinking that they're a zombie he summoned, added them to their journey. He doesn't really know much of Boo but still cares for them like he does Buggy.



[ Object of Interest Rowin believes with Benji's magic, or whatever it is, he can rule the world more easily. So he's currently on a quest to find him. Rowin is a little obsessed with Benji, when they meet Benji is very dismissive to Rowin, who's used to everyone living him, so he gets thrown way off guard. 

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