
7 years, 11 months ago


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Tempora is an active watcher. She has to get into the thick of things so that she knows what is going on so that she can keep the stories to tell. Sometimes, Tempora makes it into the mythology and fables of the races she meets as she occasionally ends up helping out. However, she mostly just ends up watching what is going on so that she can tell the stories. Many times, she does end up complaining about the choices that were made as she thinks she has a better idea of how it could go, but she knows that by messing with it she might not even be the same person/wolf that she is today, and she is really uncomfortable with that. Tempora really likes who she is, even with all the scars she has, and so she is really vain and boastful.


Tempora is mostly immortal, having existed for millions of years, travelling from planet to planet watching. She has no need to breathe, no need for oxygen to stay alive. She can hang out in the vacum of space for about an hour as long as she has an escape route, generally provided by her mate Cepheus. Her paint powers are really cool - each one has powers relating to the past, present, and future. The past tail, the long brown one, is the past tail. The past tail lets her time travel back to anytime in her past lifespan, even if she wasn't there. However, she cannot take any passengers with her except Cepheus and any kids they make have that inherit their ability to survive in space. One of her past tail's paint's powers other than time travel is the ability to perfectly project any memories of herself or others, even remembering things that were fuzzy in their heads. She also can restore any record of any type back to perfect condition by painting on it, than wiping it off. It restores it all perfectly and it really helps when it comes to recording history of wherever perfectly. The normal sized tail, the yellow tail, is the future tail. The paint there is really important, as the paint has an innate ability to sense when a paradox is going to happen and stops her from going back. It also allows her to timetravel into the "future" when she in the past. She cannot go forwards past her current "present", however since her current present changes rapidly, at least in her view, it doesn't really matter. When she paints with that tail, she can see a possible, or maybe even a probably future outcome, however it may not be the one that comes into that particular time stream. She cannot hop timestreams and see different outcomes, only the one that happens right in her particular universe. She cannot see the particular choices that lead to that outcome, so she cannot influence the choices and the people making them. Her final tail, the bob tail, is the present tail, which is probably the most useless. It gives her the ability to tell if something big is happening in the particular place she is, even if she cannot quite tell what. Another of the skills it gives her is enhanced reflexes, even if it doesn't help because she forgets to use it when entering battle zones and she gets wounded. The last, most useless power is that as long as there is paint on her tail she can tell what time it is with any time system wherever she is.