


5 years, 2 months ago




Nicknames: Cat | Pup
Gender: Male | Him / They
Age: Twenty - Three
Height: 5'0”

Sexuality: Homosexual
Species: Skeleton Monster
Occupation Community Delivery Boy


Despite  the somewhat unfortunate circumstance of their past, Cat has always  been painfully optimistic! Strongly believing that a positive  personality can alter a persons entire life! His belief in this is so  deeply engraved into his very core. That he sometimes exhausts himself  to the point of burning out. Requiring a few hours, and some times days,  of quiet reflection. Before he can start right back up again! He has  virtually no issues with approaching strangers. Stating that “the worst  that can happen is that he is ignored. And not everyone is going to  welcome a new person into their routine.” Starting conversations with  bystanders during his commute to work and home is a good way to spread  his infectious enthusiasm. Despite his mostly good vibes, Cat doesn't  always make the best choices. He makes quick decisions based on the  moment. And more often then none has to pay the consequences for it. And  his positive run doesn't always include wholesome endeavors. He just  wants you to be the best you, you can be at whatever your wanna do--  even if that something may include thief.

- Cats!
- Soda Pop!
- Exploring!
- Video Games
- The Flavor Mint
- Anime / TV Dramas
- Human Magazines

Fact / Info 

- Adopted by a furry couple of monsters, whom had already started their family! (Cat Monsters, hence the outfit)
- Love human magazines and replicating the things he finds inside them. HE LOVES HUMANS!
- He is childhood friends and roommates with Flux. He considers him his Best-friend.
- Shop lifted from a shop once and spent a night in holding. He says he's “been to prison”
- He wastes a lot of magic giving himself ecto hair. He eats a lot to keep it up and running!
- Almost always wears a pair of cat ears. (mostly to fit in with their adoptive fam)