Nergui of Aduulana Mandock



7 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info


Little Flame


Trun Elf (Wild Elf.)


Adventurer, Healer, Pyromancer, Tal's Handmaiden


Mother: Human- Alive, Father: Human- Alive, Adopted brother (Sorta): Razihel

Physical Description

Nergui is just under five feet tall, with pale skin and pale blue eyes, there are spots of red and silver in them, remainders of being Faerie. Her ears are pointed. There is a slight shimmer to her, residue of casting high magic frequently. Her black hair is starting to grow out once more to a shoulder length. Nergui keeps it out of her face with a headband made of a soft scarf. Usually wearing a simple blouse and pants with a sash and sturdy boots for walking over well worn roads and forests alike.


A scholarly sort, Nergui often tries to learn all she can about the current subject of interest. She still carries a lot of her faerie habits in becoming a Trun, mostly in response to the words "Thank you." She has a taste for battle and quick to learn ways to defend herself and her clan mates. Ever since the destruction of the Whispering Isles, she is more withdrawn and focused on keeping those she cares about safe. Sometimes this results in her raining down fire if she can't keep people up while in a fight. Nergui is angry and frustrated that they couldn't do more to prevent the loss of life on the Isles and it hangs over her like a shadow.


Her story

Negui was born as Tertia, a human, and the daughter of a fairly well off merchant family. She had a pleasant childhood and learned magic healing quickly. When she was sixteen, Tertia had taken to the life of an Adventurer, and she used her talents in Healing and High Magic to earn gold to travel the lands. That same year, the Shattering had released Wild Magic onto the lands. Because Tertia had been on Faerie when the Shattering occurred, the event caused her to become one of the Descended, a Sidhe. 

Returning home, Tertia found her parents to be safe, but they were less than pleased to discover that their daughter was now a Faerie. They gave her an ultimatum for her to either cast the High Magic to change back to a human, or leave. 

She decided to leave.

In the three years since the Shattering, Tertia has become adapt in using a staff for offensive or defensive measures. Recently she has become a Katirna, though is unsure just what she did to change courts. The loss at the battle of Rage Hollow pressed her to learn pyromancy, in order to better be an asset in fights beyond her staff. As a student of Faerie Lore to Eliza, she recently learned the art of pyromancy to further be able to defend herself in said combat in order to defend her Faerie brothers and sisters. She has aligned herself with Faerie, and wishes to better fit in with the Unseelie courts.

In the months since, she has returned to the outskirts of Rage Hollow to assist the Nobility and other Adventurers in closing the lid on the cauldron born. That particular gathering was taxing in a way most others hadn't been, though she would have blamed part of it on having to sleep in the tavern with Barbarians. Her spirits were lifted after successfully freeing Rage Hollow of the taint, and she began to be able to throw the rest of her resources to her studies with Eliza.

Between the myriad of gatherings she was approached by Tal, and offered to become a Trun elf of her clan. Tertia accepted his offer, as she had been considering changing herself, given the dangers for Faerie and other adventurers. Even though she still desires to work with Faerie, she just did not want be one anymore.

Tired by the gathering at the Veil, she met another Trun along the way named Sander who decided to share a cabin and Cross with her for the gathering. The time taxed her resources, magically and in terms of coin. The Wretched, however, were easily enough defeated when she was a part of a small group, but in larger groups they seemed to be far, far stronger because of the added cultists. Before casting the ritual to change herself, Tertia exchanged a secret with Hope for essences that she lacked for the casting. Unfortunately, the Adventurers failed to stop the Expance from spreading.

As a gift for her change, Tal gave her a fox kit and her first bow. A month, and a Gathering had passed before she was renamed Nergui by Tal. In the months following she learned all she could about Trun culture and language without visiting the Whispering Isles. It was only after a Gathering at Fort Shinglefoot that the whole Mandock was brought to the Isles to remain until the Winter Solstice. Tal and Kublai returned to Rage Hollow after a few weeks, while Nergui and Razzie stayed to learn of Trun ways and for Nergui to be an apprentice under Cross.

Things all changed when Wretched came through the large tree on the isles. Nergui and Razzie both fought to keep them from overtaking the island but midnight struck and the tree exploded in purple laced fire. It clensed the Isles of the Wretched, but demolished the majority of the Trun population. Days passed before Nergui was reunited with Razzie and the survivors on a beach; the isle along the way was littered with thousands of dead. 

When she finally met up with the rest of the Aduulana Mandok outside of Rage Hollow, Tal was both angry and relieved that she was alive. He was angry that Nergui hadn't returned to Rage Hollow sooner, but relieved that she was alive and had kept Cross from doing anything drastic in the fallout of the island's destruction. They continued on together to the market day, with the Aduulana and the older Trun adventurers of Ralasar's group, along with Puck and Zeta, agreeing to travel to a swamp to confront what they thought to be a Darkweaver. 

Confronting the entity, they realized that it was not the Darkweaver they had expected to fight. Instead, they found a blind man, whom they confronted. In the course of the fight with the blind Darkweaver, Nergui was granted a vision of the Island's destruction lead by Ral and Dark Elves. They wanted to destroy all the Trun. It was only after they had returned to the town and tavern that she was told that the vision was not of this life, of this Pattern, but rather it of another Pattern that the Darkweaver and potentially Patternmage had unlocked within her. 

Cross, Ral, and herself continued to the Lumberton marketday in search of a way to the floating island. They managed to find a way up, and on collecting a set of summoning focusi were able to talk to the land. Nergui gained a master in the Fire Fox spirit that previously resided in Cross, and they learned that they were able to alter the Weave of the island to create what the Trun needed in their home. 


-Talented Healer, she can bring somebody back to life as long as their spirit hasn't signed Death's book.
-She is well liked by other Adventurers, and can usually find somebody willing to assist with a cause.
-Pyromancer, she is able to call upon fire to defend herself and her loved ones.


-Not physically very strong
-Not as knowledgeable of Trun customs
-Most of her spellcasting requires her to be able to speak
-She's a terrible shot with a bow.