


4 years, 10 months ago


Name: Claire (Queen) Phelps
Birthday: N/A
Age: N/A (
over 20's)
Relationship status: 

likes: rose-scented cocktails, Caviar, Dress ( short ones especially), poker, her other team members, men she's smitten. gold, her pipe

Dislikes: being left behind, treated as low class, losing, poor fashion.

Personality: Queen is a woman of class, mysterious, obscure and a person of disguise she was the only woman of the Suite deck team. She used her charm and charisma to seduce both men and women to provide any information or steal any valuable objects. She was known for being fluent in many languages and could handle conversations with older men when Devil could not. Proud of her unisex personality and abilities to lure those into her bidding, she can be quite overconfident when it comes to her jobs and usually prefers to work alone, unwilling to share the rewards or bounties she retrieves. 


King : Queen is most comfortable under King, despite the fact he is usually quite disgusted by her schemes to try and charm him into providing his secrets and ability. he is the quietest and doesn't trust her at all. He only willingly works by her due to the fact they need her abilities when it comes to certain events when it comes to an assassination plan. 

Devil: Queen loves to Tease Devil as she finds him quite adorable and tries to make a pawn out of him which doesn't quite work to her advantage. Eventually her outlook on the team to be a useful asset to her changes due to his determination to try and live on the surface. 

Mirth: Queen Doesn't interact with mirth much, but acknowledges the fact he has his own obscurity as everyone else, despite this she can easily see his struggles when he comes back down to the underground again in the future.

Carnell: Queen fights with Carnell in comparison to the rest of the group, Carnell often calls her out on her antics and choice of wardrobe at times which usually causes her to be offended. this is soon to be revealed due to the fact that Queen has a small issue concerning Carnell's serious relationship with Lily, a Gang lords daughter and has once tried to sabotage it. 


She is a magician/sage using her magic to enhance her looks and charisma in the eyes of a victim, to make them submit to her as a pawn.