


5 years, 2 months ago



Digimon TEAM

  • Name Reyamon
  • Attribute Data
  • Family Nature Spirits
  • Personality

    Enthusiastic. Chatty. Overbearing. Liar. Lonely. Determined. Childish. Eccentric.


  • Baby ...



  • In-Training ...



  • Rookie Reyamon

    Reyamon's body is primarily a muted brown, with a cream underside, lower half of her face, eyebrows, and two marks on either ear, all of which are outlined in gold. Her ears are rather fluffy, often laid back along the sides of her head. Her arms are long and end in four little claws that match the three on the end of each foot. Her tail is long, bushy, and curled; it gradually fades from brown to a dark purple at the tip of it. Reyamon wears a dark teal bandanna tied around her neck and her eyes are purple and very round.

    Originally, Reyamon was something of a nuisance when she first met the group. She tricked them in going to her hometown, just so that she could show off her ability to make them come. After a number of other little lies that aggravated the group, the only one that bothered to listen to her was Eric. Reyamon wound up getting herself into trouble when she did something that he'd advised her against, but he still came to her rescue. She has been very attached to Eric ever since and has tagged along with the group in their travels. Most recently, she has joined a group of their allies who moved to a bigger city in the hopes that it would be better protected than their previous residence.

    Attacks: Slasher Claws. Full Swing.

  • Champion Valiamon

    Valiamon has a slender, flexible body and long, thin legs. Her muzzle has lengthened so that her head has more of an almond shape than her previous form. Her ears are shorter with two points instead of three. Atop her head, she wears silver and black goggles with white fluff around the edges. Her eyes are still violet, but now circled by a patch of purple around each eye. Three spots are below that, trailing down her cheeks in size order. Her body is tan with a golden underside and a light cream color dividing the two. Her legs are mostly purple with golden toes and dark violet claws. At the base of her tail are two wing-like tufts of fur, colored cream. Her tail is long and full, fading from tan to a dark violet near the end.

    After traveling with and spending time around the members of TEAM, Reyamon had the opportunity to make herself useful and become more productive than she was previously. She discovered what skills she actually had other than tricking others. Out of sheer determination, she followed TEAM to the portal between worlds and participated in the battle that took place there. During that fight, she evolved into her Champion form all on her own. Afterwords, Valiamon promised to protect the portal after they left and to wait for their return.

    Attacks: Rounding Tackle. Beast's Fury. Clawed Rush.

  • Ultimate ...



  • Eric Ally

    Eric is Reyamon's closest friend, but they are not partners.

  • Notes

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