Starry Willicker



4 years, 10 months ago


.: General Info :.

Name: Starry Willicker (current), Starry Polaris (before adoption)

Nicknames: Starry

Age: Probably 20… maybe 16? Older?

Birthday: Apparently June 30th.

Birthplace: [REDACTED]

Species: Novakid

Gender: Male
Height: 5’8

Distinguishing features:
An average-sized Novakid who has an odd air of familiarity around him, but no one can tell quite what it is. His build is nothing impressive, but his legs are pretty strong considering all that exploring and religious services he does. His reserves are oddly faded for his age, and they don’t seem to be deepening anytime soon.

Current residence: His ship/his brother’s ship

Current home: None.
Occupation: Homemaker/prophet
Social status: Intrusive prophet

.: Dialogue :.

Language: Common
Other languages known: None.

Style of speaking: Starry has no Western accent present in his voice--it’s almost like he has no accent or specific tone of voice at all, although he manages to make his voice not sound absolutely dead. At times it can actually be pretty bright and upbeat, although that seems to be the only time when his voice gets any real character into it.

.: Personality :.

Starry is a strange Novakid that doesn't seem to care much for others of his kind, as their culture disturbs him. He does, however, have a very intense love for housemaking, a love that will even go as far as to him forcibly putting roommates into already occupied houses.

Starry seems to be somewhat bipolar at times; being happy for a little while before suddenly turning melancholy. His sadness usually has a trigger though, and is much more short-lived than his happy phases.

Like all good adoptive brothers, Starry would die to protect Kyle and his spear collection. Pistols are dead. Spears are eternal.

Likes: Making homes, ice and snow, odd shrines, blue stars, the color blue, Kyle, spears, outlaws
Dislikes: Laboratories, pistols, other Novakids, Kyle stealing crap from helpless people, abandoned places, test tubes
Pet peeves: When Kyle puts crap in his room.

Personal goals: Make more houses, get more Erchius fuel, be a good prophet for his brother
Religious values: He follows his brother’s self-invented religion, more or less. Although he seems to have a strange affinity for the worship of shadow beings...
General intelligence: He seems smart. Not incredibly smart, but smart. Although very crafty with houses.

General sociability: Starry will only make new friends if they’re outlaws who need to hide on his ship. No one knows why he does it, but it hasn’t gone horribly wrong yet. He’ll also try to make friends with people Kyle wants him to meet, but that can go a number of ways.

.: Relationships :.


Kyle: Starry’s adopted brother. Starry loves him a lot and is glad to be his brother, although despite his devotion, he can get annoyed with him and his sometimes very destructive shenanigans.

[REDACTED]: No data available at this time.

No one too terribly notable yet.

Friends (currently)

Rei: Strange, ex-Hylotl outlaw who will NOT take off their Kabuki mask. A little unnerving… but she and Starry seem to be good friends.

Fabien: Kyle’s one and only true follower that isn’t a part of the hierarchy. Starry likes him for supporting his brother, naturally.

.: Abilities :.


Starry seems to be able to secrete some sort of biological acid… it does not affect him nor Kyle, but it sometimes accompanies the little chunks that fall off his body.


Novakids glow. Thus, Starry can glow.

.: Fears :.


Starry cannot shake the feeling that he is being watched when he is alone, and this terrifies him. He has yet to tell anyone since the dread goes away in the presence of others.

.: Health :.


Sometimes, Starry’s body seems to lose a bit of its composition, and small chunks of his flame will literally melt off. He has no idea what causes this, but he doesn’t really care since there seems to be no trigger in particular for it, and the amount of his body composition that falls off seems to fluctuate. Fortunately, the amount lost is quickly regenerated.

-Odd Mental State-

While Starry can be very happy and fun-loving when he's with his brother and friends, sometimes something seems to snap inside him, causing him to say concerning things, and sometimes even straight-up gruesome suggestions, and in the end he will corner himself up in his room. This may have to do with his apparent bodily instability as well.

.: History :.

In the end, the adoption requested by Kyle’s adoptive parents was a success, and Starry, a foreign child, was accepted in the family. He grew up alongside Kyle, and eventually unfortunate circumstances struck again with the sudden ghosting of their adoptive parents, leaving the two children all alone in the vastness of outer space.