


4 years, 9 months ago











Trainee Nurse


Bat Humanoid, 1/4 Moon Nymph 


    Blessed by the moon:

Due to her moon nymph blood, Vesper has some of their characteristics. The most prominent feature of this is the white colouration of her fur, which has the appearance of being luminescent. Other than her colouration, her heritage gives her the ability to bask in moonlight converting it into energy, different moons have different qualities of energy. Vesper can either use this energy to fuel herself or transfer it to others, helping with fatigue. Higher qualities of energy coming from special events such as lunar eclipses are rumoured to be able to heal minor wounds but Vesper is unsure of how to do this.  


    Curious | Soft-spoken| Tidy

    Clumsy | Daydreamer

    Gullible | Bewildered | Cowardly

Other than her appearance, Vesper is not someone who stands out; in fact, she sees herself as 'that girl next door' and prefers to be more a soft-spoken person. Her most prominent characteristic is how clumsy she is. From plates to herself, there is a chance it might end up on the floor; Vesper has even been known to fall off of branches when hanging upside down. Her clumsy personality motivates the young bat to keep her workspace tidy, everything has to be neat especially the floor otherwise she will trip over something. In addition to her environment, Vesper makes sure she is well-groomed and tidy herself. One of the nurse's hobbies is taking strolls as she is always curious about what everyone is doing, Vesper believes keeping in touch and up to date with all the villagers is important and helps with noticing disturbances and discomfort.

While Vesper is knowledgable when it comes to books, medicine and healing...when it comes to everything else she is not as bright. Her gullible at times personality leads to her believing everyone, even if what they say is sometimes questionable. All these points and stray pieces of knowledge lead to the poor bat being easily confused. If she is not bewildered, Vesper may be on the other end of the spectrum as she has developed a tendency to daydream. She loves to daydream about strolls through giant, luminous mushroom forests quite a lot. Daydreaming about dates is not uncommon too. 


Vesper was not always a resident in the valley. She was originally born up north in a place called the Kuutamo Valley, where she was the only child in her family. Vesper would describe her family as quite average, they were not poor nor were they rich. Her father, Pippin was a bat known for his midnight black fur; Vesper took after her mother Marianna who shared the same white fur. Marianna and her daughter stood out compared to the rest of the bats because of their colouration, however, nothing hostile happened. Instead, the residents of the cavern simply enjoyed gossiping over how the two got such colours. The most common rumour was that the family were blessed by a magical being because Marianna had a tendency to heal the wounds of neighbours and children. In reality, the reason was simply the fact Vesper's grandmother was a moon nymph who fell in love with a bat. Marianna never told the other villagers because she enjoyed listening to the stories.

The family owned a dessert shop where they would make sweet treats using locally-sourced honey and foraged goods. Ever since she was little, Vesper tried her best to help out at her family store but just couldn't seem to make anything that actually tasted good. Discouraged by her lack of talent, Vesper began to use her free time to go on miniature adventures instead of pursuing the family business. Usually, the clumsy bat would return home covered in cuts and bruises that her mother would tend to, creating fond memories for the little bat.

When Vesper was in her late teens, she became aware of her mother's depleting health. The young bat would watch as nurses and doctors would visit her bedridden mother. Marianna began to get weaker and weaker each passing month until she quietly passed away in her sleep. While Vesper was happy her mother did not have a painful fate, she was still absolutely devastated over the loss of her mother. The loss of her mother was what pushed Vesper towards studying to be a nurse, she wanted to be like the people who helped sick Marianna but also a small healer like her mother. Still, being in the cavern where she lost her mother was stressful on the bat. Following Pippin's suggestion, she moved down South to the valley as both an escape and an opportunity to learn her desired profession.

LIKES.                                        DISLIKES.

- Fruit tea                                - Loud places

- Lace                                      - People playfighting (she gets worried)

- Berries                                  - Sour food

- Shiny things                          - Thunderstorms 

- Anything luminescent             - Anything sticky near her fur



- Due to her current work schedule and natural body clock, she is tired but tries her best not to show it.

- When happy, she makes quiet squeaks similar to this. 

- Vesper loves to decorate her house with luminescent items such as mushrooms and jars of fireflies.
- When Vesper treats children, she likes to give them a little bit of honeycomb afterwards as a reward.

- She enjoys having picnics on the night of full moons as it is something for her to do while recharging.

- Due to her sensitive hearing, Vesper can get sensory overloads when in crowded places this can cause her to be extremely anxious and on edge.
- Vesper is pretty bad a cooking food.
Voiceclaim (lamb)