
4 years, 11 months ago


General Info

Ti is the child of the mythical dragons Kohryu and Ouryuu-- two gods who were at one point the same Shinryuu, but split off due to ethical disagreements. As a way of avoiding destruction from Kohryu, Ouryuu allowed himself to become pregnant with Ti after being dominated by Kohryu. "Ti" in itself is a nickname; he's not earned a full name yet, which will eventually be given to him based off his actions and character. Ti has many meanings--from heavenly to hawks to fatigue to antimony--leaving his possibilities quite open.


Ouryuu laid the egg when Kohryu was at his strongest, near summer solstice. Ti was kidnapped as an egg by Kurotsukihi, a current servant of Ouryuu and ex-servant of Kohryu; at that time, Ti's existence was still secret, so the power-hungry Kurotsukimi wanted the cherished orb for himself. Later, when he realized it was in fact an egg, and not that powerful on its own, he returned it. However, this sparked deep resentment from Ouryuu towards him, eventually resulting in Kuro's death.

Ti hatched several months later in December, near the peak of Ouryuu's power, the winter solstice. He initially hatches identifying as female, but that soon changes upon the encouragement of his father, Kohryu. Divine dragons like these are sequential hermaphrodites, shifting sex depending on certain conditions; allowing males to bear eggs in some situations, but also allowing a young dragon to be very genderfluid. 

Ti visited the four kingdoms that his father Kohryu had alliances with, learning a bit from each of them, and gradually maturing. Some time later, his parents work together to give him his own Kingdom to rule over-- or, specifically, a large empty area to terraform and civilize. Ti ends up getting interest in a mafia-like human organization, all with various abilities; most spur his romantic advances, but he manages to gain the attention and affection of one with similar powers to his own. They eventually become romantically involved, and separate from the shady group. 

The young dragon's primary purpose in birth was to ease the relationship between his parents. He's taken this sentiment on fully, and has even extended it out to being an ambassador to all gods-- allied or not. This eventually bit him in the ass, when he went to visit the god of the ocean, who his parents had avoided for many years. The god was quite happy to have Ti-- that is, to have a young, fertile god that was potentially young enough to influence to have his eggs. Ti didn't reciprocate, and was eventually let go; after 8 months of being captive. He returns, expecting his family to have deeply missed him, but finds neither of them to have missed him at all. Ouryuu had even had more with other lovers since! 

On the spans of centuries his parents had lived, a year was hardly a blink in time. Nonetheless, Ti can't help but feel a bit of bitterness; replaced, forgotten... logic didn't alleviate such feelings. Ti currently lives there, with a handful of followers; these followers will eventually be his primary source of power, as a god is nothing without worship.


Kohryu is a being of light and growth, with Ouryuu a being of darkness and decay. This leaves Ti's skills in the middle ground of stasis; able to prevent living things from decaying, but also able to prevent them from growing. So far, his powers have been detrimental; putting humans in stasis causes them to not need sustenance and theoretically allow mortality... but also prevents them from healing their wounds, so would cause them to have a miserable death by a thousand paper cuts via daily life. 

He has very poor control of his powers, and can accidentally 'stasis' things when he gets upset. With humans, it's noticeable and typically reversible... but with plant life, it's just doomed to be that size forever, until blight takes it. So far, his abilities don't seem to work on inanimate objects, such as preserving book from tearing; but he's working on that in particular, as it seems a useful extension of his skills. Like his parents, he has general magic abilities; honed through a tutor of a family friend. He can't breathe underwater and he's bad at flying; much to the displeasure of his family. He is pretty good at fire, though practices levitation most frequently.

During spring equinox, Ti gets very introverted, mostly due to his powers reaching out in unfamiliar ways. He tends to be able to feel people's emotions very intensely, accidentally enter dreams, and even hear people's thoughts-- but on the scale of everyone around him, this is far too much for a young dragon to handle. During fall equinox, Ti tends to get extremely aggressive. His eyes become a dangerous bright green, and he can breathe dangerous plasmic fire. If nothing bothers him during this time, usually nothing happens; but he's difficult to control once he's lost his temper.