Species of irroro



4 years, 11 months ago



These are the most common creatures on irroro. 

While some are powerless, many do have powers. 


Anomalous humans 

Normal humans.

These are well, normal human beings. They do not have any special powers, or any kind of special things in general. 


Humans with abnormalities, like magic or only one eye. Not all that unusual. 


Basically humans with animal ears, tails, or paws. May display instincts of the species they share traits with. Some can shapeshift into the animal they resemble, most cannot.


These are animals that display similar traits to humans, such as standing on two legs or speaking.


They come in many different shapes, but there’s no distinct subspecies.


One of a kind creatures. They have no definitive traits, they are simply unique beings, although some do possess similar traits, it is not enough to belong to a species. This may also include hybrids.

They usually cannot reproduce


Corrupt anomalies 

Anomalies that have been mutated or corrupted in some way.


Various different kinds of creatures that have been spawned from the realm of the original gods, or formed as a result of the spawned gods.  Some have been created intentionally, others simply manifested by themselves. 


True gods

The two originals or the ones directly created by them.

Dimir’s gods

Those who have spawned without being intentionally created. 


Creatures who have been created by gods to serve them. 


Things that came from the underworld. They spawn by themselves or are the children of two souls in the underworld, and are not the result of death. 

They can be on earth, some for as long as they please and others for only short periods of time. 


Myu’s demon

These are a species of demon that feeds off love and affection. 

They often possess slight shapeshifting abilities, and will change their appearance to suit the tastes of whoever they’ve chosen as their caretaker.(the person who gives them the affection they need to survive.) 

They have a single, huge blank eye in the middle of their face, stubby feet, and three fingers. Their mouths are on the back of their head, and they have a bubble filled with concentrated love on their torso.

Soul eaters

Munch munch, these creatures will eat your soul! They feed on souls, live on souls, probably breath souls. Major helpers in the lack of overpopulation in the underworld.


Your run of the mill succubus basically. 

Can be summoned, but also just patrol the streets of hell looking for a quick fuck

They Feed on lust. 


Nasty little buggers. Your generic demons, the kind you summon to kill someone. Most have horns and they come in various colors.

Angelic demons

They look like generic angels… they get sent up to earth to convince specific people to do bad deeds.


Creatures spawned from the excess energy that demons generate. This is how these kinds of demons reproduce. 

They appear to be normal children until they turn 12, which is when their demon traits begin to manifest. If they are not properly cared for during this time, they will not be able to leave. 

This process ends when they turn 21, and they will go to the afterlife and begin their duties there. 


Things that came from the afterlife. They spawn by themselves, or are the children of two souls in the afterlife, and are not the result of death. 

They can visit the earth for limited periods of time, but have to return to the afterlife.


Anomalous angels 

Strange angels, like none that have been seen before. 

Weeping angels 

Weeping angels steal children that are never going to have a good life, or souls that have been wrongfully sent back to earth. 

They are very large.. around 10 feet tall. They are constantly crying white tears, and lure children to them with their voices. They have enormous wings. 

They can only be seen and heard by the ones they will be taking to the afterlife.

Fallen angels 

Angels that have rotted from the inside out, been corrupted, or had their purity taken by a demon. (Note, this is a voluntary process. They need to want to do this for whatever reason, be it staying on earth or simply out of love for the demon. Also it’s literally taking the purity out of them.)

Demonic angels 

Angels that more closely resemble your basic demon (leathery batlike wings, sharp teeth, etc) 

They’re mostly sent down to earth to massacre people who want to destroy gods.

Guardian angels

They are sent to guard those in need of it.. though you can easily reject them and they must specifically be called upon. They help and guide their charges as best as they can, but cannot force anyone to do anything.

Their appearance varies heavily on who they are taking care of. 

Eye angels

Angels who are covered in eyes. They have their wings on their head. 

They watch over the world, and report back to the original gods.


Creatures created from the excess energy that angels generate.. this is how those  angels reproduce. They will undergo a sort of incubation period on earth, and look like normal children until the age of 12, which is when their angelic traits began to manifest. If the angelspawn is not given adequate care during this time, they will not be able to leave earth. 

They finish this process at age 21, and will promptly go up to the afterlife to begin their duties if they’re able to.

This is the only kind of angel that can have children. 


Souls that have come back from limbo for one reason or another. Usually just needed a second chance at life. 

They cannot have children.

Subspecies(please note that these are only the most common/well known)


Reanimated corpses. Depending on how look it took them to get back from limbo, they may be a bit rotten. Don’t stink though 

Need to eat food to replenish their energy unless they’ve found another source. 


Souls that have been contained in a doll. They are filled with pure magic, and often posses enough power over their form to change anything about themselves except the vessel they’re in. Depending on what they’re made of, they may also be much softer than they were originally.

Need to eat food to replenish their energy unless they’ve found another source.

Stuffed animal

souls that have been contained in plush toys. Their stuffing is filled with magic

They can squish or sew their body into whatever shape they’d like. 

Will also leak liquid magic if you hit them hard enough

Need to eat food to replenish their energy unless they’ve found another source.


Souls that have built their own form out of pieces of metal, or any sort of technology really. After they’ve picked a form, they cannot change it except by adding more pieces to it. 

They eat metal, magic-filled things, or other revived creatures to replenish their magic.


Basically, ghosts. There are different types, but mostly they’re sort of like poltergeists, they can touch things and lift things but cannot be touched. 

They do not need to eat. 

Mythical creatures

 Various creatures, ranging from elves to hunters .(note, this only lists the most common/well known) 

Subspecies(please note that these are only the most common ones)


Mischievous and intelligent, these little creatures live everywhere and can adapt to any situation.

They outwardly appear to be young children between the age of 8 and 10, and sound like them too. However, they have long, sharp, venomous teeth, which comes as a nasty shock to anyone trying to hurt them. 

They also completely lack any reproductive organs, and new ones just seem to pop into existence without any explanation.


Pointy eared people. They’re really in tune with nature- and have a particular fondness for stylish combat and pretty shiny things. 

They’re really spiteful, and they do not like people coming into their territory.


Evil little fucking wasp creatures that bite you out of spite and live in hives.

They eat insects, and appear to be tiny humanoids with insect wings.

Dream eaters 

They devour dreams, and can only be seen when you’re sleeping. Fairly harmless. 


Giant angry lizards. Some breath fire. Some don’t. 


Spirits who have become attached to bits of nature, like trees or mushrooms. 

There isn’t one for every tree.. though some choose to believe there is. They only appear around mythical or extremely old things. 


Multiple tailed trickster fox spirits. Can shapeshift into beautiful women, gain new tails as they get older. 


They lure men and women to their doom by singing. There are multiple species.. some live on land, some in the ocean. They appear as beautiful men and women. 


Can shapeshift, hate sunlight and garlic, need to drink blood to live. Some will be a bit different, but that’s the basics.


7+ foot tall creatures that look like they’re made of stone. They will hunt down and consume whatever creatures they set their eyes upon. When they are done they will go back to where they were seen and sit back down. 

Kind of look like statues while they’re doing this. 


Just.. random creatures 


Beings from the stars. They do not manifest or visit earth often. They appear human for the most part, you mostly can’t tell the difference between them and Normal humans- except for a slight glow, they glow brighter the bigger their origin Star is.

They age with their stars, and die with them too.

They are sometimes worshipped as gods.

They cannot have children.


Red dwarfs

They’re… small. Rather cute too, usually. They’re very calm in general. Barely noticeable glow.

Yellow dwarfs

They’re a bit bigger, and a little more easily upset than a red dwarf. They also age faster. Slight glow.

White stars

Normal human sized, very intimidating. Noticeable glow.

Red giants 

Slightly larger than a normal human, mildly scary. Older version of a yellow dwarf, sometimes. Strongish glow.

White dwarf. 

Very small, dainty, but extremely strong. Older version of a red giant. Slight glow.

Blue giants

Massive and terrifying, short lived though. Very strong glow, most often out of all the stars mistaken for a god.

Neutron stars

Tiny but terrifying, very long lives. Older version of various stars. Very strong glow, relatively often mistaken for a god. 

Black holes

Look like voids. Their sizes vary. 


Small, don’t really glow at all. They visit the earth the most out of all the starspawn- they’re also the most common.


Appearance heavily depends on the origin planet. 


The children of two different species. 


There’s no subspecies.