
Gender: Male

Age: 18

Birthday: June 19th

Hair color: Brown

Eye color: Blue

Tail Color: White

Sexual Preference: Pansexual

Loves: Making armor and weapons, Problem Solving Physically, Cooperating to get a piece done, Rock music

Hates: Cutting himself on hot metal, having to draw something out, Sticky substances

     Born in Aquinos, Ravi was born into a normal family in a quite modest living. Ravi mainly grew up just building, even when he was little he gravitated more towards building blocks rather than paper and pencil. This made him quite difficult to teach because he preferred to build out his problems rather than drawing it out. The only area that he left like he was doing good or great in was the arts and crafts classes in his schools. Stuff like Sculpting, wood crafting, etc. he seemed to be much more adaptive at those rather than any other class. His luck seemed to improve one day in the middle of his high school life while wearing his usual black sweatshirt, it was Mentorship day, and his parents wanted him to get one seeing how he processed things in his head. He swam up to a Blacksmith, one of a few that helps create weapons for Aquinous's army. The Blacksmith gave him a challenge: to create a tool from whatever he could get and show him it by the end of the day. He ended up creating something like nunchucks, with strings, pencils, toilet paper rolls and something sticky to keep them together while flailing it around. The blacksmith chuckles a bit before he eventually accepts Ravi as his temporary apprentice, as both shoke hands and filed out the proper paperwork... though that took longer than usual just for Ravi going slow for better handwriting than usual.

     Days later, Ravi arrived at the old Forgery, he could see the strong men and women working and hammering against heated metal to shapen the weapons and shield. Ravi was quickly put to work while the mentor helped guide him on trying to understand what they do precisely and how to do it. The heat of the lava that was making the area so warm for him to work, he eventually had to take off his jacket and tie it around his body. What was suppose to be a 4 week mentoring turned into a 4 month mentoring, his strength looked like it increased compared to when he started, as well as his knowledge. Because of this high praise, Ravi was able get a job early at the forgery, and began working with the other to craft not just weapons for the military, but also for personal dioramas at a high price. He often works with Julious, a former soldier turned blacksmith. Even after graduating, he is focus on working at the forgery, finding it as the best place to work compared to anywhere else.