


4 years, 10 months ago





Sexuality:Heterosexual[ it may change]


Bellamy is a cheerful and playfully plumie, who just wants to have a fun. Although the plumies he grew around him seem to be annoyed byBellamy, he always kept a big ol' smile on his face. One would say that Bellamy was colorful and bright, being dull just isn't his cup of tea. Not to long after meeting his grandfather, he gained a humorous trait. He loves to tell jokes, pull pranks, and even do some magic. Even if he haves his dog days, Bellamy isn't the guy to give into depression or sadness, instead, he keeps an upbeat and positive attitude. Sometimes, He tends to be very obnoxious and very loud. Although he to admit it, Bellamy can go to far with his jokes and pranks. The goofy plume can be abrupt, some things he says may not be rude to him, but it may be rude to others. Most of the time Bellamy is very annoying, not knowing when to take hint, so he just keep doing what he does. Whenever the plumies in his hometown tell him to stop, Bellamy begins to act very childish and often doesn't something that may drive someone up the wall. Speaking of which, this brings him into the subject of being quirky, saying or doing the strangest things at the wrong time. There are alot of time that Bellamy have been reckless with his jokes,pranks, and magic tricks. Alot of times hes careless, but will go back to apoglize for it later 


Bellamy lived in a small, busy,clustered, and slumish town in Mount Saint Elias, filled with working plumerians. In this town, plumerians at the age of seven begin to train under one of their parents to provide for the town and help provide for other towns or villages outside of time. Bellamy's parents mentored him for a while, but once they had to travel outside of town to attend to supply trade, Bellamy was send to stay with his grandfather. The young Bellamy was ready to work, moving and stacking wood like he always did,but wasn't he for a surprise. His grandfather wasn't the hard working plumie everyone thought he was. The elder plumerian taught him that life wasn't always about working hard, but having fun to. Bellamy was against this at first, but as he hung around him more, his life begin to turn right side up. Sadly, his grandfather had pasted away due to natural causes and told Bellamy not to give up his day job. As months pasted, Bellamy went around town joking and goofing around. This cased him to slack off and it effected the town. The town folks, including his parents begin to grow very angry with the happy boy. No in town seem to like his jokes and tricks. When it seem that all the happy was being sucked out of him, A homeless Plumerian there had encouragedBellamy to follow his passion, which was being a comedian.


After Bellamy was old enough, he left his family behind in the snowy mountains and pursued his dreams as an comedian. He traveled to many places, entertaining other plumerians. After a while, Bellamy became well know by many others,who started to hire him for fun events. Bellamydecided to that he should finally settle down and manged to find a lovely town near a beautiful beach in New Jersey to live at. After he settled down there, Bellamy also developed a love for acting after the town had their big festival. Now, he studied hard to become a great comedian..and an excellent actor 


Rodger the rabbit: Pet/Companion 

Hikaru: Best Friend [ Belongs to Saka]

Two-Bit: Friend [Eternal_Flame]