
4 years, 9 months ago


✦ Basics
Name Kellie Rooferton
Gender Female
Age Adult
Species Kaninian (Alien Dog)
Occupation Housepet
Sexuality Bisexual
✦ About

Kellie is an odd gal. She has a bit of a twisted sense of humor, intense dedication to her friends and family, and an aching sadness in her heart. Her subspecies was created during a time of intense hardships, and kanines like her were needed to protect others and ward off the invading threat. Put simple, she is a war machine. Her different abilities are vital to a battle, but since she was born at the end of the War, she has no use for them. She spends her days caring for her three children, spending time with her human family, and just enjoying her life as much as she can. She's done some things in the past that she regrets, and tries not to let it haunt her. Above all, Kellie just wants to live like a normal earth dog with her family.

✦ Appearance

Kellie is of average build, though she has a ton of muscle. Her fur is a pale yellow, but glows brighter in specific situations.

✦ Likes
Food (despite not needing it)
Her family, both born with and found
✦ Dislikes
Her powers
✦ Relationships
Elliot and Melissa Kellie's human family. She loves them both to bits, and will do anything to protect them. She is a loyal companion to both the adult and the child.
Gary Kellie's mate, and childhood friend. She returned to Kanine to be with him, and ended up bringing him back to Earth with her. The two are best friends, as he was really the only one willing to bothre getting to know and understand her. Kellie is immensely grateful for his company over the years.
Henry Kellie's "nemesis". She stayed with him briefly during her time on the other planet, and his father was the one she wounded. He is the only one who knows that Kellie is to blame for his father's death, and he resents her for it. Because no one else knows about her murder, the others in Henry's life simply believe he is having trouble dealing with the grief. This drives him farther and farther away from society, and more into his compulsion to hunt Kellie down and make her face justice.
✦ Details
✦ Backstory

As a very young puppy, Kellie was drawn to the neighboring planet to aid in the war effort. She ended up unintentionally wounding one of the enemy soldiers, and immediately decided that she wasn't going to hurt anyone ever again. She followed him back to his home and spent months trying to heal the damage she had done to him, but her untamed powers ended up killing him instead. Despite her best efforts to undo the mortal wound, Kellie's first real friend passed away. Too afraid to tell anyone what happened, she kept quiet until she was found and whisked back to her own planet. Kellie kept her distance from others growing up, knowing well that her volatile powers could be deadly. Not only that, Kellie was more used to the mannerisms of Felynians than other Kanines, and struggled to get along with anyone. Kellie eventually grew fed up with being an outcast. She traveled far, far from her home, crash landing in a field on Earth. She found a family of a young child and her adoptive father, and swiftly decided that she was going to stay.

✦ Trivia
● Kellie's name used to be my real life name, but I changed it because it got awkward when writing her backstory.
● Kellie's powers are called Aurability, a combination of aura (the gold color of her fur) and ability.
● Kellie bears a striking resemblance to the character Martha from Martha Speaks

profile html by Hukiolukio, brute forced through by blackcat498888
