


4 years, 10 months ago


in the heart's struggle lies the strength to rise
even from the darkest shadows.
Life's path may twist and challenge us, but with each step, we discover our own resilience.
  • rainy days
  • herbal scents
  • helping others
  • detachment
  • confrontation
  • intrusive thoughts
full name


Pebble, Sunny



May 17th

ex-medicine cat
Sunstone is a cat with a past that's both challenging and transformative. Once a medicine cat from RiverClan, their journey took an unexpected turn. Struggling to keep up as a warrior apprentice and facing setbacks during training, Sunstone shifted their focus to healing, while prioritizing their own well-being. This decision led to an argument with their adoptive littermate, Wolfsky, who saw it as a weakness. Their path eventually led them to run away from the clans after a dramatic confrontation with their sibling.

Sunstone, a former Medicine Cat of RiverClan, was raised alongside her adoptive littermate, Wolfsky. Although Sunstone initially aspired to become a warrior, StarClan had a different path for them. Despite her best efforts, Sunstone struggled to keep up with their peers. A series of unfortunate events during training wore them down. So, she chose to become a healer instead, this change was better for their well-being as well. Unfortunately, Wolfsky viewed this transition as a weakness and distanced themselves over time. They made snide remarks about Sunstone's choice to "let herself drift away" straining their relationship.

An intense argument erupted between Sunstone and Wolfsky in the medicine den. She felt trapped, while Wolfsky pushed the idea that Sunstone had failed to "reach for the stars." After that, they stopped communicating for moons. After Wolfsky became deputy and eventually leader, Sunstone was tasked with guiding them to the moonstone for the leadership ceremony. During the journey, they did not exchange words. As Wolfsky prepared to touch the moonstone, Sunstone offered a faint smile despite their strained ties. This unexpectedly angered Wolfsky, leading to a fierce fight.

In the battle that ensued, Sunstone sustained severe injuries. Wolfsky attempted to abandon them near the moonstone. However, something within Sunstone ignited as lightning flashed and rain poured outside the cavern. Summoning her remaining strength, Sunstone made a final strike against Wolfsky, preventing them from receiving their nine lives. Consequently, Sunstone emerged as the winner,gaining the 9 lives instead amid shock and guilt. Leaving the cave, her own blood intertwined with that of their littermate, she limped towards their burning clan camp. Despite their wounds, Sunstone aided fellow cats in escaping the flames, although smoke inhalation left them disoriented.

With waning consciousness, Sunstone fled the chaos before anyone could notice. She awoke in an unfamiliar territory, cradling a saved kit in their paws. Unintentionally, they had become a big sister during the escape. After recuperating, Sunstone embarked on a journey through the forest, seeking shelter or a new home. Perhaps they would explore a twolegplace or encounter a friendly feline companion along the way.


sunstone eventually found herself travelling with weednose, a deep connection and love being cultivated between the two. they wander cities and the countryside together, exploring and learning about life outside the clans.


to be added

  • Despite no longer being a medicine cat, Sunstone retains extensive knowledge of herbs and their healing properties. She often uses this knowledge to help injured or sick cats on their journey.
  • Sunstone finds solace in quiet moments of introspection, often wandering off to secluded spots in the forest to gather their thoughts and find clarity.
  • She finds an almost spiritual connection to the beauty of sunrises and sunsets. To them, these moments are a visual reminder of the cyclical nature of life.
Design Notes
  • after the fight with Wolfsky, she gained a scar on their left ear + nose bridge
  • long "mullet-like" fur on their neck
  • slightly shorter than weednose
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