


4 years, 9 months ago


His Mother, a very exerted Dentist, was 'blessed' with this child on a  Bloodmoon. Chosen, because the Bloodvials the patients gave to her often as payment, corrupting her Blood in such a way so that Great Ones became attracted. Soon an infant Great One was born, quite a disturbing experience for the woman, who tried her best to ignore the weird Tentacle-Lizard at first. He, on the other hand, tried to gain her attention, without stressing her too much that is. Mostly by staring at her or running around her legs.  Still she couldn't bear his presence, he even scared of her patients by his looks alone. So what do you do with your little monster? Sure, ask your neighbor Hunter for guidance, who happens to be Father Gascoigne.  Sadly, the Father wasn't home, of course. Went out to hunt some beasts with his partner and wouldn't return for the next days, his Wife said. Viola, the wife of Gascoigne, offered them to stay. Even if she had her concerns about 'Dyne', just like the older Daughter. The younger Daughter however, was very eager to get to know him better. Sensodyne shared this eagerness and soon they were pretty fond of each other and became best friends in no time.

Later on, they discovered, that the creature was able to heal others from the sickness of the Beast-Plague. Sucking out their corruption, literally. At least, cure their madness for the first part. The actual healing of all symptomes took weeks, sometimes months or was even impossible in some cases. It had it's drawbacks on Sensodyne, too. If he went to far in short time, his body grew to enormous proportions, tentacles sprouted more fierce and his skin began to rot. But even if he did it careful, it changed him slowly.

Living in fear, that madness might take the best of him eventually, he left his home. Still visiting his beloved ones from time to time until someday maybe a Hunter will come to slay him under the gleam of a Bloodmoon...