Sediment Jasper



4 years, 11 months ago


Acquired: $5 Mystery Adopt

Sediment Jasper emerged physically, relatively perfectly, despite less than optimal conditions in a beta kindergarten. And besides the fact she was intended to be an ocean Jasper. Her gem goo was inserted at an angle far too close to the shore cliffs, resulting in her emerging under water with a gem formed mostly from pressurized sediment. Her mind however, was "defective" in that she felt no loyalty towards homeworld. She had no desire to be one of their pawns in a war she never started, only to destroy the life on this planet that birthed her. She defected immediately from her role. It wasn't hard actually- she emerged so far outside the main kindergarten, and her predicted emerging point that no one realized she had emerged at all. She simply hid out in the ocean until everyone gave up on her.

Once she was left to her own devices, she dedicated her efforts to trying to restore the life that the kindergarten stole. She destroyed all the injectors and remaining equipment, clearing the land and taking up gardening. When her plants continued to die, though, she realized the damage ran deeper than a lack of plant life. Built to be a warrior, she wasn't the brightest gem in the world, but she dedicated herself to learning all she could about kindergartening to figure out a way to reverse the damage. As time went on she grew lonely, and with her newfound knowledge the temptation to grow another gem companion was tempting, but she got along. Once homeworld caught on to something happening in her kindergarten and sent an Agate and her Pearl down to report. Sediment was enamored with her Pearl, pretty and elegant. Even after they left, she was so enthralled with the Pearl's appearance she changed her own outfit to something similar. The Pearl of course left with her agate, leaving Jasper longing for her own pretty Pearl companion.