


4 years, 9 months ago


Age Unknown
Height 2.06m (but can vary)
Gender Genderless
Pronouns He / Him / Them
Species Minor celestial
Orient. Asexual
Status Single
Significant Other N/A
Personality Stats
Domestic Life
Home Unknown
World Unknown
Job Noise' moral compass
Worth 0$
Type Persona
Status Active
Creator Eggdis
Layout by Cheeriko
Always be kind to others, but remember to also be kind to yourself.

Silence was formally an angel, but has since lost his wings as he could not complete the task he was sent down for. His initial objective was to remove the demon named White Noise from the upper levels of the underworld, but he couldn't go through with it as it meant that he would have to kill her since she wouldn't come voluntarily. He was stripped of his wings and left to fend for himself in the hostile world that is Limbo. He was forced to assume a demon-like appearance, but as he shifted into that form, he felt more free than he had ever felt. As if shackles were dropped from his wrists and neck.


Silence has a mostly humanoid shape, although with over exaggerated limbs. He is fairly thin, but also tall. His skin is completely white, and generally has a subtle white glow around him. He has five total horns on his head, a ''crown'' of three horns on his forehead, and two large curved horns on either side of his head. His eyes are pitch black and generally almond shaped. He also has a short and thick little tail.

Silence's celestial form is composed of a ring and four wings. Two wings come out from the side of the ring and have a similar curve to them as his horns in his demon form. The other wings act like arms and are detatched from the ring. He has six black eyes in the middle of the ring. As well as a blue, open halo framing the ring.

Design Notes:
  • Skin feels like polished crystal and is slightly warm to the touch.
  • Glow around him is largely dictated by his emotions, when he gets upset it gets stronger.
  • Completely lacks a visible mouth, uses ASL as primary form of communication.
  • Can freely shift between celestial and demon forms. He can also shift into other forms if he wants to, but his color scheme will always stay the same.
  • LOVES wearing sweaters, and generally wears one.
  • Blood is pitch black and very thick, almost tar-like.
  • Horns are pierced, generally wears some dangly earrings with blue gems on both horns, and two rings in one horn.


Silence is a very kind soul. He is patient and generally a great person to be around. He is a bit shy around people he doesn't know and has some trouble with trusting others. He's a huge pushover and doesn't really stand up for himself when someone is bothering him, although he is trying his best to change that part of him.


  • His real name is Auve, White Noise gave him his new name after she found out that he is mute.
  • Technically he does have a mouth, but it is covered by skin and otherwise inaccesable.
  • He doesn't enjoy being in Limbo, as he feels very unsafe there. He has watched as demons tore apart celestials and ate the alive.
  • He sometimes worries that Noise will turn on him, and either expose him for what he is to the other demons, or just kills him herself. Although so far she has not shown any signs of turning on him and puts her own safety on the line for him.
  • He doesn't neccesarily have to eat as he gets his energy through a form of chlorophyll. However, he is only able to eat in his celestial form.


  • Fighting
  • Dogs
  • Flying bugs
  • Glitter
  • Vestibulum

Skills & Abilities

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White Noise | Best Friend
Even though Silence has to act as Noise's moral compass, and stop her from actually harming anyone, he cares deeply about her. While he is occasionally upset about the situation she put him in, he is grateful for her companionship.
Name | relationship
Vestibulum ornare gravida sapien, a iaculis justo. Aliquam nec consectetur velit, et luctus risus. Praesent tempor ut lectus id sagittis.
Name | relationship
Vestibulum ornare gravida sapien, a iaculis justo. Aliquam nec consectetur velit, et luctus risus. Praesent tempor ut lectus id sagittis.
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