


4 years, 11 months ago


Name: Clara
Age: 32
Pronouns: she/her
Species: human
Height: 5'8'

Clara is a combination of ambitious, driven, easy going, and compassionate. Some might take her drive to change things as her being over critical or a perfectionist, which isnt entirely wrong but she makes good points. Shes bright and has a bold personality, often assuming leadership positions quickly, if she cares about something, shes going to see it through. She does however tend to get in over her head and has a penchant for overworking herself which can make her feel somewhat bitter about the projects she once had overflowing passion for, though shes excellent at giving off a calm and relaxed demeanor, because she is pretty laid back at her core, just not all the time. She currently is part of a larger organization dedicated to bridging the gap between the various sapient species that live around each other in secret. Ranging from supplying accommodations, helping individuals get identification or housing, to preventing habitation or harvesting of marshes and other important homes for certain species. The end goal is for acknowledgement of one another and coexistence. Clara has been working for around 8 years and is the first to be assigned to her area. She works with her brother, Travis and has made quite the reputation for herself. In her free time she enjoys things like bowling or mini golf with her girlfriend Baize, pretty much whatever activities are slow paced but still somewhat active. Shes a prominent member of the community, which she is proud of but also weighs heavily on her at times, having to live up to so many peoples expectations of her can be suffocating. She doesnt doubt her ability to see solutions or get things done, but she does doubt her ability to Execute her goals in the best way. Shes smart and thats kind of her problem sometimes, sees too many ways to do something better and loses track of the end goal. Though she has wavering resolve at time, shes not a quitter and will see things through once she decides to. 

Travis- her twin brother and work partner, they also currently share a house, she cares for him greatly but tries to push him out of his shell a little too fast sometimes. They have a good sibling relationship, but sometimes she feels like he doesnt really want to be where he is.
Kolstad- one of her former clients who became a longtime friend, often seeks their advice on tough decisions, Shes one of the few people to know what manner of creature they are and still be friends with them. She worries for their wellbeing and often wonders why they seem so subdued all the time.
Theo- A volunteer she met through work, they initially just informed her of events transpiring in the area but over time became close friends. They often have philosophical talks and spend hours chatting.
Baize- Her current girlfriend, Baize got her out of a dangerous situation and they became friends, and decided to date. Clara thinks shes the cutest. They spend most of their free time together.
Verochka and Volgi- two of her and her brother's clients who she mostly lets Travis work with. She considers it letting him spread his wings a little.

-she used to play baseball before nearly knocking her eye out during a game
-she and travis are not identical twins, and shes older by a full minute
-she was a valedictorian
-doesnt really have that many good friends, because despite her being well liked, her social energy is burnt out easily
-always wakes up first
-has a blood feud with a specific old farmer who wont stop making false reports that she HAS to go check out
-has a playful streak and likes to joke often, is clever and cheeky 
-always wears earrings as a good luck charm