🌧️🗡️🌳 Masami



5 years, 2 months ago


Oooh!!! I love them all omg uvu

Number: 4!

 Name: Masami (no other name probably)

 Age: Estimated about ~150

 Gender: Male

 Sexuality: Asexual but bi romantic

 Occupation: Ah well, most my characters in the world building universe don't have a set job. Especially the demon/spirit/etc. Types haha

 Personality: Mischievous, but for the sake of causing mischief. He doesn't find much joy in it, or much joy in anything. You could say he's pretty lonely but he doesn't care too much for the amount of work it takes to keep a stable friendship or relationship with someone, so he pretends that he's not lonely. He's not very stubborn and gives up easily, he's not very passionate about much but secretly he's only this sedentary because he's thinking of life outside of his role as a mischievous kitsune. He has that kitsune brand (tm) to uphold but he doesn't feel like it suits him. (Tl;dr: he's slightly edgy and in the middle of a midlife crisis)

 Bio: ...Honestly wrote a lot of it in his personality :'3c but to add on to it, Koichi comes from a line of beautiful silver kitsune. Silver kitsune aren't particularly rare or even much different than other colors of kitsune, but his own family heritage hinges a lot on the way other yokai and demons see them. Since kitsune are sort of chaotic neutral, they're treated well and highly respected by most other demons in The Cavern, but despised by a lot of surface world spirits who think they're a waste of spiritual talent (what with their simple job of stirring up humans and annoying them).

 Strange facts about them: He has a really tiny tattoo on his forearm. It's not normal for demons or yokai to get tattoos because of the stigma around some human activities, but he got one because he's a teenage kitsune tbh. Another strange fact, he probably likes dogs even though a lot of kitsune are afraid of them. Sometimes he'll sneak into people's yards to pet dogs rather than cause mischief.

 Theme Song/s: Yellow by You Kamiyama could fit omg here's a version of the song, an Acapella version that is as good as the original tbh https://youtu.be/BqYtW7fLMbM

 Voice Claim: Maybe either the singer in the video I just linked or mob from mob psycho? Or the main character from kiznaiver haha. It's hard for me to choose voices because I hear the voice of the characters when imagining them, but can't ever find something that fits quite right.

 Something they'd say: probably after accidentally alerting some poor unsuspecting person while breaking into their yard,  "Oh. Hey. Sorry for making your dog bark. I'll leave when I'm done."

 What you're going to use them for: World building!!!