Dr. Roza Lorrington



4 years, 10 months ago


In a sci-fi universe that involves space  travel, spaceships, and visiting other planets, some poor, well-meaning space cadets have to deal with a foul-mouthed pig/giraffe monster that they can't escape from because  they share the same spaceship.

Dr. Lorrington is a surgeon that had his practicing license revoked for  an incident that he simply will not talk about (and will stab you in the eye with a cigarette butt if you try to ask him about it), so now he practices illegally. He is renowned for being the Macguyver of surgery. One time he did a complete lung transplant using only a pizza cutter,  some shoelaces, and a clothespin so he's pretty handy to keep around. No one in the rogue band of space travelers really trust the guy (probably  because they picked him up on a raid where he was the doctor to a band  of ruthless mercenaries) but he saved a few of their lives a couple times so they tolerate him.

Just wish he would obey the No Smoking signs in the operating room...

Quick tidbits
*His species is a Sudajira and he hails from a planet where two species gained sentience around the same time and thus are constantly at war for territory.
*His diet is mostly herbivorous but other food (mostly salty snacks) mostly works its way in there.
*Roza  knows and is fluent in twenty languages recognized by the galactic senate and thus loves to insult various species in their native tongue.
*He happens to be quite addicted to soap operas.