Rat's Nest



9 years, 10 months ago
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Entire design by shortbred debuted on 9/10/14.

"Rat was heralded as the most beautiful, fantastic girl at the school. However, the power of the constant admiration of others inflated her ego to the point that she began taking advantage of others, and ultimately, destroying the shy, diminutive females that looked up to her as an idol. She sought them to commit suicide, and as each of them did, her confidence and pride in her actions grew. Eventually a close friend fetched a pair of scissors from her headstand and cut off her hair in her sleep. Feeling as though she was now hideous, and thus a worthless being, she claimed the same pair of scissors and slashed her wrists in a fit of rage and sadness. She is now reborn from the grip of death, tangled in her beautiful long locks, and bearing constant reminders of her villainy in the form of several shadowy rats inhabiting her hair-- one for each pony she convinced to commit suicide."